Dec 1, 2021

Travel to improve your personal and professional life!

To me, the best Psychologist of the world is my wife! Then, you can pay attention to Maslow. He was the first to apply Psychology with the objective that individuals achieve their full potential. In our beloved sector, it was Chip Conley the first that take the ideas of Maslow and apply them to Hotels and Tourism. He loves to build communities between investors, employees, and Tourists. He loves to focus on value. He loves to create strong connections between the Tourism services and the internal motivation of Tourists. He describes this as “Identity Refreshment”. 
If your Tourists feel that your services share the same values, culture that they have, if your Tourists feel that they are a better version of themselves using your services... it will be easier to don’t mark down the price and to get direct reservations.
Chip Conley's ideas are focus on PEOPLE. It is segmentation based on Psychographics NOT demographics. Segmentation where the most important thing is to make the Tourists feel part of a community of similar/complementary people. Segmentation where the employees /collaborators are also members of the Segment/Community that will put all his/her passion in customizing the Servuction process in order that Tourists can cover their recognized needs AND ALSO the unrecognized ones! In a nutshell, Maslow/Chip Conley convey a very powerful idea…Tourists can improve their personal and professional life thanks to the transformation power of a trip!!! 
We use the ideas of Maslow/Chip Conley in OUR seminars, in-company training or star-ups meetings in order to define (or redefine!) their (OUR???) business model. They help us to define Tourism specialization focus on People where is easier to create GROUPS and manage the chain of value from the beginning to the end of the trip. 
Some people find difficulties to, clearly, see the difference between specialization focus on SERVICES and specialization focus on PEOPLE. Fear not! Let’s see if we can highlight, in a crystal clear way, these differences! Ready? Steady? Go!!! Segmentation focus on specialized people is the last tier of the following pyramid:
Where is easier to create GROUPS, where is easier to create activities and seduce the members of the Segment /Community to go there in a specific place, at a specific time, because doing these activities they can achieve, in a better way, using the transformation power of a trip, their desires, their dreams…both personal and professional.
Of course, it is our Touristology’s duty to be sure that the Specialized Segments that we choose are strongly connected with the values, culture, heritage of the Tourism Destination. Strongly connected with the necessities of local Tourism Enterprises AND NOT Tourism Enterprises and inhabitants looking for international opportunities!
Then, we have the second level of the pyramid where the specialization is based on typology of service: Cultural Tourism, Shopping, Religious Tourism...
We are talking about Segmentation focused on specialized SERVICES, where the most important thing is the typology of Tourism, and the Tourists are people that like this activity. BUT…Do we know the internal motivation to enjoy/choose this typology of Tourism? If you want to go deeper, here, we can see some examples about Religious Tourism, first talking about Segmentation focus on the Service and then a few examples of segmentation focused on PEOPLE.
This idea of prioritizing Specialized Segments focused on PEOPLE is strongly connected with the main objectives of YOUR Tourism Destination or Enterprise. It is very similar to one of the basics ideas in OUR science…  “First Specialized then Generic!”
- BUT...Jordi! Why is so important First specialized then generic?
Because in life and in Tourism Management we have two scarce resources... Time and Money and we have to prioritize in which activities we choose to use them!
If, as usual, we first focus on Generic /Mass Tourism (I repeat, NOTHING WRONG with it) we can easily seduce Tourists to appear in our destination or Tourism Enterprise BUT…
as the main driver of Tourist's motivation is the price you get this undesirable consequences:
1) Appears, what some call, "OverTourism”, that we prefer to call #LackOfTouristology. At the end of the day, ALL Tourists at the same place/time... inhabitants not happy with Tourism.
2) Appears and intermediary/Infomediary with economy of scales that only will be profitable if they send plenty of Tourists to YOUR Tourism destination or enterprise. As they provide the most important thing for this kind of Tourists… they control the chain of value and they will ask you to control your cost (Low salaries! Low Profit!). They will get most of the profit and none of the inconvenient of Tourism that we talked about in the previous point.
3) At any time, can appear a powerful competitor, mark down the price … wait until you have to disappear as a competitor and then, mark up the price.
If we focus our time and money in Generic Tourism…Will we have time and money for Specialized Tourism focused on PEOPLE? Will we have the knowledge, the skills, the international contacts…???
On the other hand, if we focus first on Specialized Tourism focused on PEOPLE we can get the following strong points:
A) It is easier to create GROUPS
B) It is easier to seduce them to go to a specific place in a specific time. As you know their internal motivations you can create specific activities focus on improving their personal or professional life that can become a magnet for this segment. As we explain here.
Having an international specialized community one specific day in our Tourism Enterprise / Destination, transform our place into a magnet for members of this community, member of the chain of value, competitors (that will become collaborators!), people/enterprises willing to sell, to hire, to do marketing research... to OUR community. We will become the “This Community” world congress!!!
I love my wife! I love Maslow and Chip Conley ideas!
But…above anything else…I love Touristology and Touristologists!!!

Nov 1, 2021

Circular Economy and New Technologies!

As you know, I love mixing together new technologies with our beloved sector. It is part of the consilience’s movement created by Edwards Wilson!
As we saw in this post, Circular Economy in Tourism will be more applicable and profitable if…
1) We manage the trip of OUR Tourists from the beginning to the end. Especially, if we are able to create, communicate and commercialize international routes!
2) We can create GROUPS or seduce our Tourists to create this groups using a little bit of Pro-AM.
You can use other people websites, Social Networking Sites, Mobile Apps… BUT if you want to provide support to YOUR Tourists… If you want to provide solutions to any potential problem… if you want to show to them opportunities to improve their personal and/or professional life in Real-Time in a profitable way…Well, you definitely have to use your own platform!
In which way, new technologies can help us to achieve these objectives in our own Platform (you can learn more about Tourism an Platform Economy here)

If you want to provide customize services to all YOUR Tourists in Real-Time with privacy. You have to use together the scalability that Artificial Intelligence provide and the power of choosing which information, in each transaction, the Tourist wish to share using Blockchain.

If you want to share the ownership of your Tourism Enterprise or Destination in order to share profits with your Tourists when they help your inhabitants or local enterprises, you have to use together, Blockchain to guaranty profit’s sharing and Augmented/Virtual Reality to visualize and experiment in a mobile app, website or game the transformation power of a trip.

If you want to allow customize micro-payments based on the desires and rights of the Tourist in Real-Time, you will need to use Artificial Intelligence to know the desires of the Tourists, inhabitants, and members of its community around the world based on their location, the people with them at any specific moment and their mood. You will also need the power of Blockchain to trust the identity and the rights of the members of your platform. 

Few days ago, Facebook (sorry, Meta!) provide good examples about how to apply the Metaverse in Tourism.

Enjoy and visualize the potential of creating hybrid experiences like for example the two friends, one in Japan, the other in USA sharing a concert and a Metaverse party!
OR two friends playing chess, one in New York and the other in Barcelona!

In the same way, a Tourist can create groups and seduce them to visit specific places in specific time OR enjoy a Hybrid Experience mixing Tourists, inhabitants in the Tourism Destination and members of their community around the world.

You can describe this Hybrid Experience, as a member of the Metaverse world or, if you prefer you can use the name of Ubiquitous computing as Mark Weiser said long time ago

I love Tourism! I love New Technologies! They allow you to create your own platform using the three technologies mixed in heaven (Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence and Augmented/Virtual Reality) to provide Trustfulness, Scalability and Ubiquity… Welcome to #CircularTourism!!!

Oct 1, 2021

Applying Touristology’s principles to Circular Economy!

Circular Economy is the new, new thing! You can also apply it to Tourism, of course! BUT…In order to be successful in its implementation we have to remember a few Touristology’s principles!
1) We have to manage the whole trip of OUR Tourists, instead of waiting that, other enterprises bring THEIR Tourists.
2) We have to focus on specialized Segments inside of which we (or a member of this segment,  PRO-AM remember?) can create GROUPS.
If you get GROUPS willing to travel together or to share hybrid experiences mixing People in the Tourism Destination (Tourists, Locals) AND People (members of their community, co-workers, relatives…)  in the country of origin or any place around the globe, all of them can enjoy the transformation power of travel in different devices or inside a game.
THEN, you can select the typology of transport, to lead / influence over the management of sharing, leasing, reusing, repairing, refurbishing and recycling existing materials and products, the selection of sources of energy…
THEN, you can seduce YOUR Tourists to go to new places making something interesting for this specialized Segment in THIS specific place, seducing International members of its community and delivering specific activities to them. This meeting will be like a magnet for members of the community, providers of services related to their motivation, enterprises willing to hire them or do marketing research… We can create the “Mobile World Congress” of this community. Just change the word “Mobile” for the name of the Segment!
As Brian Chesky CEO of AirBnB say few days ago in an Interview “From sightseeing to people seen!” Highlighting, the importance of Human interactions over beautiful views or wonderful heritage.
This is the power of GROUPS. This is the power of Circular Economy in Tourism!
It could find ways to bring prosperity, jobs, people… life! In places with low economic development.
It could help enterprises NOT related to travel BUT related to the motivation of International Specialized segments to find new streams of revenues, to improve their exportations.

Do you want to learn how to define these specialized Segments?
Do you want to learn how to seduce them to visit the most needed places?
Do you want to learn how to create Hybrid Experiences and seduce them to participate here or in any place of the world?
Do you want to learn how to open new streams of revenues for your Tourism Destination?

I will be here, waiting for you!

Sep 1, 2021

Applying Touristology’s principles to the Metaverse’s world!

This summer, I have been reviewing ideas, startups, consultancy projects… related to the Metaverse. At the end of the day, to visit other worlds getting experiences and having opportunities to improve your professional/personal life is strongly connected to Touristology’s principles!
When Eric Peckham talks about Metaverse, He sees the merger between Social Media and Gaming. He also says that Multiverse could be a more appropriate word than Metaverse. Of course, enterprises will claim to be THE Metaverse, but as happens in Tourism Destinations, Hotels, Airlines Companies, Cruises companies… Tourists can have a different opinion and it is our job as Touristologists to try to seduce them!
If we go deeper (you know how much I love going deeper!), we can combine the Multiverse AND the real world so, we have the wonderful opportunity to build Hybrid Experiences where we can mix Tourists, Inhabitants, Local Enterprises with members of their community in any country around the world.

He also talks about how Fortnite in 2017 popularize MMO (Massive Multiplayer Online). In the same way, that in Tourism we have Mass Tourism and Specialized Tourism, in these new hybrid worlds we can apply one of our favorite Touristology’s principles. As we always say, in YOUR METAVERSE… First Specialized, then Generic! So, what about to try to build your SMO (Specialized Multiplayer Online) where the members of the community will be members of a Specialized Segment?
But Jordi… We are Touristologists! Fortnite is a GAME!
Listen to your inner Touristology's voice! Is it possible to mix/to find synergies between Games Sciences and Touristology? Of course! As a matter of fact, Touristology (and all Sciences) should be multidisciplinary. Who better than Edwars O. Wilson to share his vision of Consilience. The unity of knowledge.
The development of the Metaverse need the vision of scientists that know about games development, psychology of gamers... BUT also experts in the benefits of going to a different environment (change of perspectives, building professional/family teams, overcome fears, doubts or disabilities, to learn and practice your professional skills in an international environment…) and experts in the management of Tourism Enterprises/Destinations.
The development of the Metaverse is a great opportunity for building Games focused on collaboration instead of conflict.
Games focused on Tourists helping Local enterprises and earn a living doing it!
Games focused on building international communities improving their personal/professional life through International Routes or different Multiverses!
Games where Tourists will share experiences in Real-Time with members of their Specialized community in different countries around the world.

We can lead the way to this new kind of games!

Together, experts in Games and Touristologists can visualize, create and animate new scenes. We will need “Scenes” develop for designers BUT ALSO real scenes based on where the Tourists’ camera is looking at. Creating Real-Time point cloud of the physical environment using SLAM (Simultaneous Localization And Mapping) captured by photogrammetry/photoscanning (a lot of photos turned into 3D models), LIDAR (Light Detection And Ranging)…
Experts in Games and Touristologists can visualize, create and animate new characters, new skins. Characters develop as mesh and riggings BUT also scanning real Tourists/Inhabitants, members of their specialized community around the world.
Together, they can trigger events rooted in the Tourists’ space and context. Events based on “Anchors” 3D models that all the members of the community will see in the same position and place. Events that will generate a wave of events (the World Wide Wave!!!) that then can be processed (Stream Processing ) in order to provide solutions and opportunities to improve/transform the personal and professional life of the Tourists, members of his/her community around the world, Inhabitants and local Enterprises!

As Jamie Burke says here “I don’t think the metaverse is necessarily or inherently disruptive. I actually think that if approached in the right way can enhance existing businesses” For instance… #Tourism!!!
So, definitely, in the GDD (Game Design Document) you have to add some Touristologists to the team!!!

The Metaverse! New worlds to explore, to create, to develop!!! Interesting times in Touristology’s field. Interesting times to be a Touristologists AND fascinating times to be a Touristologists builder!!!


Aug 1, 2021

Sale&LeaseBack or …a little bit of Touristology!

If something the " small killing machine” has, clearly, revealed to everybody, it is the necessity to have a direct relationship with our customers. As we will see, in a moment, this necessity and the opportunities attached to it, can be multiplied by one thousand if we are able to create communities built on Specialized Segments where we can help them to help us creating GROUPS.
If you don’t have this direct relationship, you can have a profitable business. But it could be better!
For instance, we can talk about...

AC Hotels “using” Marriot
“Hotel owners pay Marriott a 4 percent royalty on revenue generated by loyalty members. Hotel owners are responsible for all the freebies that loyalty members are entitled to, including internet, snacks, and daily newspapers. Also: free breakfast, a perk that can be especially costly to owners because it can require them to hire more employees.”
or Selenta “using” Hyatt
or Sercotel “using” Choice Hotels
or any Hotel “using” Booking or a big Touroperator or… 

Thanks to these strategic alliance’s others bring THEIR Tourists to your place, you pay the commission and other benefits and the only thing that you have to worry is to provide your service in your lodging.
 if Tourists don’t appear (we have to remember that Servuction is fundamental in our Science!) …are you able to find and implement alternative Business Models?
Otherwise, in order to survive, you have to close the business or find sources of finance.
Here we have some examples in Spain
1) Melia
2) NH
3) Selenta
4) H10
All of them are using Sale&LeaseBack formula
“sale and leaseback is the sale of a property to a third party who then leases the asset back to the seller. The seller will still use the property to operate its business and will benefit from an initial cash injection from the sale but will now be subject to rent payments and tenant responsibilities.”
“The main disadvantage of the sale and leaseback is that the seller may be giving up important assets. It also gives up flexibility on how the seller deals with and enjoys its property; any future changes are likely to be subject to having to obtain landlord consent (subject to the terms of the lease) and met with additional costs.”

BUT…If you have a direct relationship with your Specialized Segments, you can find new Business Models that can help you to avoid closing the business or to find new investors in a fast pace.
For instance… Making the most of Platform Economy creating your own platform oriented to Specialized Communities!

A) You can sell anything related to “this” trip
B) You can sell anything related to any trip. You can also create International Routes.
C) You can sell anything related to this specialized segment

You can sell Hybrid Experiences.

You can give to them the possibility to travel and earn money embracing the Bleisure tendency using the three technologies mixed in heaven 

Augmented/Virtual Reality providing Ubiquity, Artificial Intelligence providing Scalability and Blockchain providing Trustfulness…

By the way, doing these kind of activities you can have access to OTHER sources of finance that, nowadays, are wishing to invest into projects in exchange to the possibility of applying new technologies in REAL scenarios, as OYO is trying to do with Microsoft!

-     BUT.. Jordi, to define these segments, to do all the planification and then, the right implementation it is a difficult task.
-    OF COURSE! For that reason, If you have any doubt… don’t ask me! Ask any of my Touristologists, they are the best minds working in the best sector ever!!!

Jul 1, 2021

Why do we need Touristology?

Listening to the news, reading articles, talking with … in the last years something appears over and over. It seems the “Zeitgeist” of our time! 
Plenty of people talking about Tourism without neither the knowledge nor real management experience in our beloved sector. Doing criticism to Tourism. Talking about new definitions of Tourism just to show their lack of knowledge of it. Presenting problems without proposing a solution. Talking about the necessity to choose between Tourism and other sectors, showing their lack of vision of Tourism as a great generator of powerful synergies with other sectors (culture, commerce, any industry with desire to export…). For that reason, we need Touristology and Touristologists!!!
Touristology is the science that study and provide a framework aimed to show how to travel can improve /transform the professional and personal life of Tourists, while take care of culture and create richness and employment for Tourists Destinations.
Can Tourists go to a Tourism Destination/Enterprise just for relax? Of course! 
1) It is our Touristology’s duty to show to them how a trip can improve their personal and/or professional life.
2) It is our Touristology’s duty to be sure that Tourism Destinations get the more convenient Tourists in order to take care of their culture and heritage and get profitable and sustainable enterprises.
Everybody has the right to travel, of course! But also, Tourism Destinations and Enterprises have the right to protect their profitability, protect their singularity now and for future generations and be sure, their inhabitants enjoy the benefits of having Tourists from around the world.
In order to seduce Tourists, improve their professional and/or personal life and, at the same time , improve the profitability and sustainability of a Tourism Destination /Enterprise, we have to pay attention to an important rule in Touristology…
Yes, you can be successful focusing on Generic (or mass) Tourism where the most important thing for the Tourists is the price and where economies of scale is the driver for profitability. But usually, big intermediaries will control de chain of value and, as they need as many Tourists as possible, they will send thousands of Tourists at the same time and place. Some people define this as OverTourism. We prefer to define it as #LackOfTouristology. 
- Then, you can apply specialization! Some experts will say.
But, you offer a crowed space of Tourists brought here for big intermediaries that charge big commissions getting almost all the benefits and none of the negative consequences (carrying capacity, unhappy locals, low salaries, low profits…)
What about the other way around! 
First focus on Specialized Tourism where the most important thing for the Tourists is the potential transformation of their personal and/or professional life!!! And where Community building is the driver for profitability. 
- Then, you can try to seduce some generic Tourists! Touristology’s voice is telling to us!
I love Touristology’s games! What about you?
We can represent this idea with this picture based on Robert Frost’s poem…

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.

- But Jordi! Why can travelling improve/transform personal and professional life of the Tourists?
- Let’s review some travel's benefits
Before, during and after a trip you can change your perspectives. You can visualize and experiment with locals and other Tourists different ways to feel/live the same situation. You can get an international vision. You can see your reality from other point of view, because you are far away from your usual environment.
Before, during and after a trip you benefit of the natural tendency of human beings to crow together in unknow places, which it is perfect to improve relationships, to create or enforce a team, to start up the foundations of a community… Then, you can use the power of this community in the Platform Economy that we are living nowadays. This community can create groups and to them you can offer customize products and services from any Enterprise and/or any Tourism Destination around the world interested in seducing an international community of specialized Tourists and locals. You can also create, communicate and commercialize international routes for your community. You can also help them to earn a living travelling the world and becoming the most intelligent sensor. IoT? Internet of Tourists!!!
Do you see? Travel can transform/improve personal and professional lives! 
Lives of the Tourists
Lives of enterprises (related or not to Tourism) in the Tourism destination
Lives of the members of Specialized Communities enjoying Hybrid Experiences in any place in the world!

I love my job! I’m a Touristologist builder! Michelangelo has his Sistine Chapel Ceiling; Leonardo has his Giaconda. I have my Touristologists!

Can you feel my energy? It’s the most powerful force of the Universe. It’s the force of a dream burning inside… Touristology’s dream!!!

Jun 1, 2021

Hybrid Experiences in Tourism!

The other day, I shared with you this tweet about the world of opportunities for #Touristologists related to The Metaverse idea 

As you know, we like to review the evolution of BOTH the Technology and Business Model (always two hands, remember?) of anything that can have a direct effect on our beloved sector. The evolution of games from consoles to smartphones and then, to Spatial Computing (also called The Metaverse) is easy to connect with the idea of Hybrid Experiences in Tourism. 

Developing Hybrid Experiences, mixing People in the Tourism Destination (Tourists, Locals) AND People (members of their community, co-workers, relatives…)  in the country of origin or any place around the globe, that want to share the experience in different devices or inside a game.
We will visualize a practical example in Solana ecosystem, but first let’s review the evolution of both Technology and Business Model of Blockchain.

Polkadot and Solana are good examples of this evolution.
One of the reasons that makes Polkadot a member of the 3rd generation of Blockchain, is the interoperability between different apps running in different Blockchains (it could be Ethereum or another parachain in Polkadot or…). I mean, that these apps can talk each other. This feature is very important from Touristology’s point of view because will help to provide opportunities and solutions from the beginning to the end of the trip, making possible the integration and synchronization of all the members of the chain of value.

By the way, if you like to get your hands dirty on code using Linus Torvalds motto “Talk is cheap. Show me the code.” You can read AND practice how to set up a local Polkadot node here.
Solana is also a member of the 3rd generation of Blockchain moving from POW and POS to POH that makes the transactions in their blockchain faster (amazingly fast, indeed!)
You can enjoy this tweet (and the video) from a Touristologists really focus on web technologies!!!
Inside Solana, we can see the development of two interesting projects that can help to visualize Hybrid Experiences in Tourism:
1) Star Atlas: A video game, metaverse orientated, offering financial incentives using Blockchain technology.
2) Maps.Me: A mobile app with 140 million users using digital maps to make travel easier and now, offering an interesting loyalty program able to collect points and get and use rewards using Blockchain technology.
Can you imagine a new project mixing the features of these two applications, where Gamers / Tourists can earn money helping Tourism destinations and enterprises to gain profit? Of course, all in a Trustable way using Blockchain. You can learn more about this idea here.

Can you imagine the potential increase in sustainability and profitability for a Tourism Destination or Enterprises?
Can you visualize the synergies between Tourism and plenty of other sectors in the Tourism destination and around the world?
If you find these ideas interesting, you can always talk to any Touristologists. They are the best minds in the best sector ever!


May 14, 2021

AI improving Touristology’s tools

As you know, in this OUR blog, we love to share news about new technologies and Tourism. In 2021 we, usually, talk about these three technologies mixed in heaven:
1) Blockchain providing Trustfulness
2) Augmented / Virtual Reality providing Ubiquity (Yes, I know that today is Spatial Computing, Metaverse …) BUT… Ubiquity is our homage to Mark Weiser
3) Artificial Intelligence providing Scalability
Artificial Intelligence can add scalability to plenty of the tools that Touristologists use in his/her working environment: Property Management Systems, Customer Relationships Management, Loyalty Programs…
We saw some ideas about the evolution of Property Management Systems (PMS) in this post. As Touristologists, we clearly see the evolution of PMS from just managing the Property to also manage the chain of value CVMS! If you want to provide services before, during and after a trip, it’s compulsory to make all departments and members of the chain of value work as a single organization. In order to do that you will need software to help you to manage not only your property but also the whole chain of value!

Let’s see a drawing of this PMS’ evolution. Blue boxes are features already implemented in modern PMS. Red ones are proposals from Touristology’s point of view!

Alan Kay said to Steve Jobs “People who are really serious about software should make their own hardware.” It seems that Jobs followed his advice! You can paraphrase Alan Kay saying: People (Travel Enterprises /Destinations) who are really serious about profitability and sustainability have to build their own communities in their own platforms and manage all the trip!
Let’s enjoy some videos where we can see the power of AI  providing #Scalability. Customizing #Servuction in Real-Time. Customization based on the mood of the #Tourists and/or what who He/She is travelling with and/or His/Her location/proximity. 

In the PMS build by Modihost


Do you see? AI is able to deduce the mood and what who the Tourists is travelling with. This fact awakes two important concerns:
1) Loose of the privacy: Remember customization without privacy is a nightmare!
2) ¿Are human emotions universal? You can read more about this in the excellent article
Well, you can limit these concerns if you apply Edge Computing: FROM silly client / Intelligent server TO Intelligent client / Intelligent server. Mobile phones, IoT.. can do much of the things interesting for the user in the same device. Faster, with less battery use, working even without Internet connection AND above all else... with more PRIVACY!...If your Tourists apply AI in their own device, using their own data…even creating their own models!

Of course, you can also use AI in the cloud…


Where you can also apply Transfer Learning in order to customize the model used by detecting images or text to deduce emotions, but, as we always say in OUR classes… Control it is an important topic in your personal and professional life!
As always, if you have any doubt.. You can always ask to any #Touristologists!!! They are the present and the future of our beloved sector!


Apr 22, 2021

Yield Management, dynamic pricing and NFT!

Dynamic pricing has always been an interesting topic in one of our favorites techniques, Touristologists! I am talking about Yield Management, of course!
We can define Yield Management as a set of Strategies and Tactics aiming to achieve two objectives
1) To seduce Tourists to make a reservation “today” that we have a low occupancy.
2) To seduce Tourists to make a reservation when we have a low “booking pace”

As you remember, the motto of Yield Management commands us to offer: The right service, to the right customer, at the right time, through the right channel.. for the right price AND PROFIT (WE, Touristologistly, add in OUR classes)!!!
The right price? Usually, you customize the price based on the demand, the actions of your "compset" (your competitors in Yield Management’s lingo!), the occupancy level... BUT you also can customize the price based on the desires of the customer and the rights that He/She has.
How do you know his/her desires? How do you know if He/She has the rights?
You need to have access to this information in Real-Time. Welcome to stream processing!
You need to be able to get this information for every customer in Real-Time. Welcome to AI providing Scalability.
You need to TRUST this information. Welcome to Blockchain!
In order to achieve this, you can use the flavor of the month...NFT.
We talked about NFT here.
We explained that NFT allows to customize a token (digital money) based on the desires of “this” person (Tourist) and his/her rights.
Let’s put some examples, shall we?
You have a price for a room (or seat in your airline company or restaurant or...) based on forecasted occupancy, size, situation....
Let’s customize it base on the desires and rights of the Tourist.
Example 1: If a Businessmen is at your Hotel and you know that He is missing his son, you can seduce him to stay longer including in the price access to a cinema where are playing the favorite movie of the son or a concert or the presentation of a book in a library near to the Hotel or...the new, new Game combining AR & VR that Tourists can play in the city of the Hotel and other people (members of the same community, relatives, coworkers...) in anyplace around the globe.
What about to play a little bit of Pro-Am and “Help Them to Help You” allowing the son to try to create a GROUP in YOUR platform which will make possible to customize a service. For instance, a short meeting with the Director, the actor/actress, the writer of the movie... the designers of the game, the developers, the product managers, the experts in Artificial Intelligence...This meeting could be part of a seminar of one University. How do you know if the son has the knowledge to participate in it? How do you know the knowledge and experience of the teachers giving the seminar? Blockchain!
Example 2: If one Tourists books the room and ALSO want to have a job interview in order to work in this Hotel OR in any member of the chain of value (OTA, CRS, SnS, Airline company...). You can customize what is included in the price for THIS Tourists paying with THIS NFT!
You can offer specific Up-selling: Healthy food and Beverage in order to be in the best mood and energy for the job interview.
You can offer specific Cross-selling: A course in a near University to improve/get some skills related to the job...)
What about the rights? Thanks to Blockchain we know that He/She has “this” studies and professional experience.
By the way, both examples fit into the definition of OPACITY (Make the price difficult to compare adding IMPORTANT things for THIS Tourist into the price.) 
Not only that, in both examples we can also add another feature of NFT. The possibility of sharing the ownership of an asset. It could be a percentage of the revenues of OUR Tourism enterprise! So, every time that the Tourists makes a reservation or seduce somebody to appear in OUR enterprise, automatically gets a percentage of profits in tokens format.
All trustable, all fast, all in real-time!
I’m sure, that you can provide more examples, future of Touristology! Remember, we only can be sure that we understand any theory if we can provide original examples!
Feel free to add them in the comments below. At the end of the day, this is OUR blog. The blog of the ones who fell in love with the Science of Travel... Touristology!
-    But...Jordi!
Seminars to be a Game developer?
Job interviews to work in my Hotel OR any other member of the chain of value?
I just want to sell rooms!!!

-    Forget about your rooms!
Focus on seduce YOUR Tourists! Listen to your inner Touristology’s voice!

Let’s clarify this once and for all… Your business is NOT selling rooms or F&B… Your business is to satisfy your customer, providing what they need, when they need it, in the way they need it!
Focus on creating synergies between our beloved sector and any sector of your Tourism Destination. Focus on become a Touristologists!!!

I love mixing together Touristology and new Technologies! I love to build the best minds in the best sector ever!!!

Apr 1, 2021

With effort everything is possible!!!

Very soon, it will be the first day of a new subject! I love first days!!! I love first sessions in classes, seminars, in-company training or start-up meetings!!! Everything is possible the first day.
The objectives that appear in OUR syllabus, minds and hearts are ALL possible.
“This subject is all about how to combine operations and processes of Tourism companies with Web-Engineering. We will learn how to provide services before, during and after a trip, making all departments and members of the chain of value work as a single organization.”
Let’s go for them!!!
Everyone can become the best Touristologists in town, create the new, new disruptive star-up, become the intrapreneur of the year in her/his company, to start a promising journey to become a Manager of Hotel, Airline Company or a Travel Agency, or the new, new Intermediary/Infomediary…
In this first class, there will be dynamic students with strong ideas that I want to challenge… to see/think/feel these ideas with another view, another attitude… Touristology’s one!!!
Some people teach or talk about how to use other people technology. Technology to automatize processes that exist today.
We prefer to talk about the technology that YOU can build in order to automatize the processes that you design in order to implement competitive Business Models for our beloved sector!
Technology makes processes faster NOT BETTER. If the processes are not well defined. If they are not a good implementation of a competitive business model focus on value (NOT in low price) then, they are not worth to learn.
I like to show this picture to the future of Touristology!

You can, easily, exchange pick up a book for visualizing YOUR own Business Model value orientated, implementing it in YOUR operations and processes then, developing YOUR own tools using the three technologies mixed in heaven (that we talked about here) to improve YOUR operations and processes providing Trustfulness (Blockchain), Scalability (Artificial Intelligence) and Ubiquity (Augmented/Virtual Reality).

Is it more complex? YES! But ... what is the alternative?
To follow the easy path. Copy Business Model low price orientated. Listening to the people that explain how the Tourism is right now... Letting the concepts, vocabulary and frameworks of Web-Engineering to other people...Never willing to learn how to code, nor even learn how to communicate with developers. How can you become a Project Manager if you don’t know their lingo?
What are the consequences of following the easy path?
Price war in order to sell your services.
Lack of direct relationship with your #Tourists.
Difficulty to seduce them to appear in your Tourism Enterprise/Destination when is more convenient to them, to YOU, to YOUR enterprises, to YOUR inhabitants. Some people call this situation OverTourism... We prefer to call it.. Lack Of Touristology!!!!
You have to enjoy mixing together Touristology and Web-Engineering. You have to learn how to wear different HATS!
To provide a good servuction during the Check-In / Check-Out process…put your Hotelier hat on!
To create, communicate and commercialize a tourism package for a generic or specialized group… put your Travel Agent hat on!
To sell NOW for THIS Day/hour… put your Yield/Revenue Manager hat on!
To develop, or to manage developers, in order to create the technological tools that automatize your processes, put your Web-Engineering hat on!
We are Consilient Thinkers, nimbly passing from one Science to another, smiling and loving to dance…even under the rain!!!!  
We will be dancing very soon! I love Intellectual dancing with my Touristologists!
Meanwhile, as I will say in OUR first sessions…
I’m NOT important YOU ARE! Waiting for YOUR Study Cases, Waiting for YOUR project groups, waiting to see YOU becoming the best minds in the best sector ever!!!

Mar 1, 2021

IoT? Internet of TOURISTS!!!

Tourists as sensors in movement!!! 
The most intelligent sensor on earth willing to provide a service to THEIR community while earn a living through micropayments in Non Fungible Tokens format!
Getting Customized /Syndicated and Pro-amized 3 C’s After, during and Before the TRIP.
Getting solutions to potential problems, enjoying the magic of Service Recovery , seeing the benefits of Travel as one of the best way of Transforming their life both, in Personal and Professional level. 
Sending customized /syndicated and Pro-amized 3 C’s to any member of THEIR community!!! To Local, professional enterprises... To relatives, colleagues!!! Sharing travel experiences, sharing opportunities to improve the professional/personal life of their relatives and members of their community. 
3C’s? People go to Internet to get/send Content, Commerce and Community as John Hagel explained long time ago. By the way, John Hagel also explained the power of building Communities in Internet
Is it possible to transform Tourists in sensors? Yes! You can build digital twins of the Tourists (or Tourists shadows) like Tesla or Apple are doing with their products
Will Tourists find “This” interesting? Well, it depends... if they control THEIR data and they can decide WHO, WHAT DATA and WHEN can see it. If they can get more security before, during and after the trip. If they can help the members of their community AND ALSO get a profit... 
Definitely, it is possible to transform Tourists in sensors! 
Then, you can know the STATE of the Tourists and the STATE of the International Specialized Community that they are members. 
You can paraphrase STATE in Touristology’s terms as the Location/Proximity of the Tourists and members of their community. 
The STATE also means the Versions of ME (you can get more information here or here). Everyone needs different 3C’s depending on their mood. Everyone needs different 3C’s depending on who is next to him/her right here/right now! 
At the end of the day, tools like Kafka Streams (or any Streaming Processing Software) can...
1) Ingest and process the high-volume data provide for Tourists’ shadows.
2) Capture the STATE of the Tourists using State Stores.
3) Expose this STATE using PUSH and PULL queries.
Do you want to learn more about stream processing? Enjoy the videos of confluent the creators of Kafka Streams! 
Do you prefer to read?  
So, Tourists can become sensors in movement. Sensors that can get help, solutions to any potential problem that can happen before, during or after the trip! Sensors that can be aware of transforming opportunities to improve their personal or professional life before, during or after a trip. Tourists that can provide and share valuable 3C’s for the members of their international and specialized community. Making the most of the three technologies mixed in heaven that we talked about here...
Using Artificial Intelligence in order to provide Scalability getting and sending customized, syndicated and pro-amized 3 C’s at any place in real time.
Using Augmented and Virtual Reality in order to provide ubiquity seeing here (a physical space, a video conference, a game...) 3C’s customized, syndicated and pro-amized.
Using Blockchain in order to... 
A) Trust the voices, images... sent to them.
B) Privacy. Having all control about when get or send information. Having all control about what information is shared in any transaction.
C) Profitability. Getting and sending micropayment in Non Fungible Tokens format!
We talked about Micropayments in Non Fungible Tokens format here. The big difference between Fungible and Non Fungible is based on the capacity to use code in order to customize the TOKEN... the thing... we want to share.
I mean, each Tourists or member of the international specialized community could have a customized TOKEN based on: 
A) The desires that they have. For instance, this Tourist /member of the community right here, right now wants this specific set of things. Thanks to SYNDICATION it doesn’t matter that they are owned by different members of the chain of value.
B) The acquired rights that they have This Tourists /member of the community has the right to get these things. He/She has the credentials (a grade, an authorization...) that prove that. Thanks to BLOCKCHAIN we can trust that this is true. Again, thanks to SYNDICATION it doesn’t matter that they are owned by different members of the chain of value. We can use a little bit of PRO_AM here. If the Tourists /member of the community has built a group then, the value of the TOKEN will increase.
Do you see? Micropayments highly configurable based on the desires that they have right here / right now AND the acquired rights that they have, can provide Trust, privacy and profitability!
I love mixing together Tourism and Web-Engineering
I love helping to build the best minds in the best sector ever! 
Touristologists changing the way the world enjoys, manage and define Tourism!!!

Feb 5, 2021

From seducing Intermediaries to becoming one!

In the 90’s it was all about to seduce intermediaries around the world. You had to organize meetings with intermediaries (Travel Agencies, Tour Operators... even transport companies) of different countries and then, they would send THEIR Tourists to you.
We traveled around the world doing consultancy, teaching, building teams focus on creating a startup able to develop the new, new thing!
Then, in 1996 Internet change everything! It was NOT the end of the intermediaries. It was the beginning of a new kind of Intermediaries. The beginning of On-line Travel Agencies (OTA), Central Reservation Systems (CRS), Social Networking Sites (SnS)... We also had to seduce these new intermediaries. They can bring THEIR Tourists. They can help us to promote our Tourists destinations or Enterprises. They can sell THEIR data about THEIR Tourists to do marketing research, to practice a little bit of retargeting, to enjoy the power of marketing 1 to 1 ....
We had to learn new scenarios. We had to learn new technologies and again...
We travel around the world doing consultancy, teaching, building teams focus on creating a startup able to develop the new, new thing!
Then, in 2016 we realize that we must gain more control over the direct relationships with OUR Tourists. We can benefit from the power of Platform Economy!
We can build our OWN communities. We can help OUR Tourists to help us creating GROUPS. “GROUPS” is another word carved into OUR minds Touristologists. There is nothing wrong with individual tourism BUT, If we want to run a profitable business… it will be easier, powerful, endurable… if we work with groups!
We can visualize new business models also using the three technologies mixed in heaven:

Blockchain = Trustfulness 

Artificial Intelligence = Scalability 


Augmented /Virtual Reality = Ubiquity...

to improve OUR operations and processes as we describe here.. 

We have to learn new scenarios. We have to learn new technologies and again...
We will travel around the world doing consultancy, teaching, building teams focus on creating a startup able to develop the new, new thing!
Defining your segments. Building YOUR community. Helping them to help you creating GROUPS.
Offering to them anything that provide a solution to any potential problem in real time.
Offering to them anything that provide opportunities to transform/improve their professional/personal life before, during and after “this” trip OR “any” trip.
This is the power of Platform Economy. This is the power of Touristology!!!

Jan 6, 2021

2021? Build your OWN communities...Improve their life travelling... Manage all the trips!

This is a new year! Time to focus on new paradigms, time to focus on new business models, time to provide #Security to OUR Tourists, #Profitability to OUR Tourism Destinations and Enterprises and #Sustainability to our beloved sector!
The Three Wizard Kings bring to me three specials gift this year.
The first gift? Well, it is a GIF! Trying to convey the vision of the future of Touristology!
The second gift? The courage to implement it! I got it! Doubts, fears and uncertainty have disappeared. Strength, hope and entrepreneurial power run through my veins!
The third gift? A team to build it! I am building it! I have been  a Touristologists builder for the last 30 years! I have been mentoring and creating teams for the last 30 years. Time to build one more time!
The gift in gif format say to US...

Build your own communities: Some people have pass from the same 4P’s (product, price, promotion and place) for everybody to a customized 4 P’s for each Tourists. It doesn’t sound bad to me... BUT ... In the process, some of them have loose the power of GROUPS. Remember Touristologists, to build a community in your own platform is a source of profits for your Tourism Destination or Enterprise.
Ignore old Business Models using Technologies: Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence and Augmented /Virtual Reality  are technologies mixed in heaven to provide Trustfulness,  Scalability and Ubiquity  to OUR operations and processes. They also allow us to reuse OUR  beloved concepts Customization (in Real-Time) Syndication and Pro-am to generate new business models. Disruptive business model? No, they just IGNORE old ones! I am talking (for instance) about..
Ownerships sharing: Instead of a single owner, multiple owners will own and rent Tourism Services. Services focus on value (NOT IN LOW PRICE).
Micro-payments based on Non Fungible Tokens.                             Fungible? It means it can be easily replaced /interchangeable by something identical.  
Non-Fungible? It means that each one could have CUSTOMIZED information or attributes based on desires and acquired rights that make them UNIQUE. Examples? A plane ticket: Different passenger names, destinations, departure times and seat numbers ancillary services, recommendations of 3 C’s (I mean, Content, Commerce and Community).
IoT mixed with AI can provide Scalability to this customization and easy payments. Blockchain can provide  Trust. Spatial Computing (AR /VR ) can provide Ubiquity making this 3C’s to appear at your fingertips in Real-Time!
Stream Processing:
All this 3C’s will generate a wave of events (the World Wide Wave!!!) that Touristologists have to manage in order to provide solutions and opportunities to improve/transform the personal and professional life of the Tourists and members of his/her community around the world, Inhabitants and local Enterprises! We are wave data managers, and we have to combine it with our skills as wave managers of Tourists in order to get more secure, profitable and sustainable Tourism destination. We are Wave managers! We are Touristologists!!!
Just remember, Touristologists! Put off your worries, BUT don’t put off your dreams neither your duties that you know you have to do in order to get them! 

To learn a new language. 

To learn how to code. 

To go deeper and improve OUR SCIENCE!

Are you ready? So am I!!! 

Happy New year 2021!!!