Sep 3, 2023

Metaverse, Internet3D, Web254….? We don’t care about names!

Please Touristologists! Stop talking/reading/listening to people highlighting Artificial Intelligence OR Blockchain OR Augmented_Virtual Reality!
These three technologies are mixed in heaven to provide Scalability, Trustfulness, and Ubiquity  to OUR operations and processes. You can call this set of technologies Metaverse, Internet3D, Web254…But, We don’t care about names! We care about providing profitability and sustainability to our beloved sector!
Let’s review the role of each technology in this golden goal, shall we?
Artificial Intelligence providing scalability, allowing to improve Servuction and Yield Management processes for each Tourists (OR GROUP) in Real-Time! Transforming data into knowledge! Transforming videos and pictures in 3D scenes which will allow to share experiences between Tourists and Inhabitants HERE/NOW with members of their international community Around_The_World/At_Anytime!
Blockchain providing Trustfulness and privacy to the game! Allowing to verify the identity of the members of the chain of value and linking together transactions, rights, and desires in Real-Time!
Augmented_Virtual Reality providing ubiquity and a higher level of immersivity able to be changed and customized in Real-Time!
Wait a moment! Do you realize, how the word “Real-Time” appears again and again?
How these technologies can provide Scalability, Trustfulness, and Ubiquity  in Real-Time?
Time to add another technology!!!
Streams Processing allowing to create Event_Driven applications, notifying transformative opportunities and solutions to potential problems to the Tourists/inhabitants and members of their international community…YES! In Real-Time!!!
Blockchain improve Databases (MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL…MongoDB…Neo4j) adding trust, (especially important in a dynamic and international chain of value!). Streams Processing also improve them allowing to store and query data in Real-Time and to react to events (which technologically is called Push_Queries)

We talked about Streams Processing here where we highlighted that IF YOU manage all the trip of YOUR Tourists you are a Touristologists while if you just wait of OTHERS to bring THEIR Tourists…well you can be a copyologists or this kind of experts in Tourism that are only able to criticize and never proposal any solution for our beloved sector.  

We have to manage all the trip! Can you imagine enterprises creating computers, smartphones… spatial computing devices saying:
- We will manage just the factory! We will let the distribution, the logistics, direct contact with the customers in the savvy hands of other enterprises!

Metaverse, Internet3D, Web254… = Artificial Intelligence + Blockchain + Augmented_Virtual Reality + Streams Processing!
We are Touristologists!
Our goal is to increase profitability and sustainability of the Tourism sector!
Our goal is to improve the personal and professional life of Tourists!
Our goal is to provide international opportunities to other sectors of the economy related to the travel motivation of specialized segments!
Our goal is to improve all the sectors related to Servuction (Tourism, Health, Education…)  using Touristology’s principles!
We are wave managers of Tourists and Data!
We provide solutions!!!
We are Touristologists!!!