Nov 1, 2021

Circular Economy and New Technologies!

As you know, I love mixing together new technologies with our beloved sector. It is part of the consilience’s movement created by Edwards Wilson!
As we saw in this post, Circular Economy in Tourism will be more applicable and profitable if…
1) We manage the trip of OUR Tourists from the beginning to the end. Especially, if we are able to create, communicate and commercialize international routes!
2) We can create GROUPS or seduce our Tourists to create this groups using a little bit of Pro-AM.
You can use other people websites, Social Networking Sites, Mobile Apps… BUT if you want to provide support to YOUR Tourists… If you want to provide solutions to any potential problem… if you want to show to them opportunities to improve their personal and/or professional life in Real-Time in a profitable way…Well, you definitely have to use your own platform!
In which way, new technologies can help us to achieve these objectives in our own Platform (you can learn more about Tourism an Platform Economy here)

If you want to provide customize services to all YOUR Tourists in Real-Time with privacy. You have to use together the scalability that Artificial Intelligence provide and the power of choosing which information, in each transaction, the Tourist wish to share using Blockchain.

If you want to share the ownership of your Tourism Enterprise or Destination in order to share profits with your Tourists when they help your inhabitants or local enterprises, you have to use together, Blockchain to guaranty profit’s sharing and Augmented/Virtual Reality to visualize and experiment in a mobile app, website or game the transformation power of a trip.

If you want to allow customize micro-payments based on the desires and rights of the Tourist in Real-Time, you will need to use Artificial Intelligence to know the desires of the Tourists, inhabitants, and members of its community around the world based on their location, the people with them at any specific moment and their mood. You will also need the power of Blockchain to trust the identity and the rights of the members of your platform. 

Few days ago, Facebook (sorry, Meta!) provide good examples about how to apply the Metaverse in Tourism.

Enjoy and visualize the potential of creating hybrid experiences like for example the two friends, one in Japan, the other in USA sharing a concert and a Metaverse party!
OR two friends playing chess, one in New York and the other in Barcelona!

In the same way, a Tourist can create groups and seduce them to visit specific places in specific time OR enjoy a Hybrid Experience mixing Tourists, inhabitants in the Tourism Destination and members of their community around the world.

You can describe this Hybrid Experience, as a member of the Metaverse world or, if you prefer you can use the name of Ubiquitous computing as Mark Weiser said long time ago

I love Tourism! I love New Technologies! They allow you to create your own platform using the three technologies mixed in heaven (Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence and Augmented/Virtual Reality) to provide Trustfulness, Scalability and Ubiquity… Welcome to #CircularTourism!!!

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