Jun 14, 2020

Generating Waves using AI

As you know, we define ourselves as wave managers. In Yield Management, some people adapt themselves and their strategies and tactics to a generic Booking Pace.
Touristologists know how to create NEW waves in order to compensate the generic one.
This weekend, I really enjoyed reading these articles of The Economist about one of my favorite topics... AI!
Artificial Intelligence is far away of getting common sense, but it is able to performance specific tasks better and faster than human beings and in a tireless way!
As we always said... It is not to choose between AI and Human Beings is all about how to combine them, in order to improve operations and processes of Tourism Destinations and Enterprises!
Let’s put an example using Artificial Intelligence mixed with Humans Beings!
First and more important, so far, AI is unable to explore the unknown… make sure you put one Touristologists in charge of this task. They are explorers, seekers of new scenarios, new business models! For instance, the application of Butterfly Strategy that we summarized in this post with this graphical representation. 

Where we have OUR specialized community loving to create groups, loving the way YOU customized the Servuction process. Believe me, the creation and seduction of this specialized community is a powerful profit generator! 
Second, let your Touristologists define the operations and processes to implement the Business Model.
We have a restaurant, a theater, a congress, an event, a flight, a hotel.... anything with low occupancy. You see something to sell, Touristologists see a community to seduce!
We are able to detect members of our community that live near to this place OR that they are NOW walking near to this place.
We are able to detect that “this” activity in my place, or near to my place, that already exist or that we can create in a customized way, could be interesting to them... Tourists and Locals can create a Group... the services providers can customize the activity... we get happy customers and a profit... a win2win2win situation!!!
Third, use a mix of Human Beings and Artificial Intelligence to improve performance and scalability to your processes. AI is a perfect tool that will empower your team to standardize innovation!
How to create groups? Allow your Tourists to create their own Groups in order to achieve whatever is important to them (a new service, a customized one...). Help them to help YOU!

In which way can you customize the service in Real-Time? An interesting possibility it is based on the Tourists’s mood. Another one, it is based on with whom the Tourists is travelling, walking, sitting... NOW!
How can you detect their mood? How can you detect with whom they are travelling with at this moment?  You can use the power of Deep Learning to do a little bit of Sentiment Analysis based on the sentences/emoticons they use in the chatbot of your community. Or a facial recognition (always with privacy guaranteed!!!)
You can also use the power of Augmented and Virtual Reality to share this customized service with friends, relatives, colleagues willing to share the experience at home!
You can also use the power of Blockchain to add TRUST to all the operations and processes, to guaranty privacy, digital identity, secure payments...
Shhh! don't tell anyone but I love Neural Networks, I love Python, I love PyTorch and TensorFlow and I believe that Fuzzy logic can improve Deep Learning performance delaying  the time to take down the entropy... BUT, above all else.. I love Touristologists able to visualize new business models, implement them in operations and processes using the best of Human Beings and AI and getting, as a consequence, more profitable and sustainable Tourism Destination and Enterprises!!! 

Jun 1, 2020

New Segments! New Opportunities!

People talking about Interior Tourism... Nothing wrong with it! BUT... we are Touristologists! The world is AND always will be OUR office!
I have been reading some articles these days and new interesting segments appear in my Touristology mind! Let me introduce them to you...
1) Digital Nomads!
We talk about this segment in previous posts. Here, you have a kind of definition and how to do a strategical analysis using our beloved tools. Here, you have an example about how airlines companies could seduce this Segment.
I, strongly, believe that this Specialized Segment is an opportunity for Tourism Enterprises and Destinations!
You can read this article where appear some examples of enterprises (finally!) seriously open to the possibility of remote working
“Twitter...if they wish to work from home permanently, they can.”
“Twilio...expects more than 20% of its office-based employees will transition to working remotely”

2) Global Nomads! 

Well Nomads can be DIGITAL, or not, the important thing is that they can work at any place...
"there will be a lifestyle change as mobile work will be accepted as normal predicting a boom in global nomads with steady paychecks. Extended-stay hotels.. residential qualities -more space, including kitchens- shine, especially as urban options" Do you want to read more?
3) Campers travelling the world with their own vehicle.             Isolation? Social distance? Your car is your home!
Here you can read this interesting article.
Be sure, that you enjoy the video in the article!!!
“Social distancing is a lot easier when you can bring along your own kitchen, bathroom and bedroom”
In this article they explain the vision of an “old” couple
“We’re calling it the Covid Camper,” said Pam Sandberg, who with her husband, Jeff, spent $70,000 on a used, 35-foot motor home at Hilltop Camper in St. Paul. Both aged 69, the couple said the coronavirus makes airports or cruise ships less than desirable. They haven’t camped in 30 years, but said they’re confident this will be the best way to travel for the forseeable future.”
Maybe his/her vision is common to plenty of Tourists from around the world! Maybe your camping sites can seduce them!!! OR maybe you can create an On-line Travel Agency OR Platform focused on them! 
At the end of the day, it is a very good example of Segmentation focused on PEOPLE! Can you seduce these segments from around the world and help them to travel around the world? Can you provide to them opportunities to improve their lives... to connect with his/her loving ones in the country of origin OR in any place in the world? Can you find solutions to them from the beginning to the end of the trip? 
There is an old saying “If the mountain will not come to Muhammad, then Muhammad must go to the mountain” that you can translate to... if the grandchildren cannot visit the grandparents.... with YOUR help, the grandparents can visit their grandchildren around the world!
They can use Ferris like the one on this video in order to travel abroad! 

Of course, travel corridors or travel bubbles can be also very interesting in order to avoid red tape. As you can read here.
“The notion is simple: Two or more countries that have successfully curtailed COVID-19 agree to create a bubble. People who live inside the bubble could then travel freely and avoid a mandatory self-quarantine requirement. Such a move would cut red tape so people can cross borders with minimum hassle. ”
- But Jordi! If they stay more than one year, if they travel an earn money... they are NOT Tourists!
- Maybe... BUT We are NOT definition providers. We are Touristologists! We are opportunity finders! We are problem solvers!
Do you need advice for learning how to seduce Digital Nomads, Global Nomads, Campers using a car as a home.... from around the world to your Tourism Destination/enterprise? Don’t ask me! You can always find any of My Touristologists willing to share with you OUR Touristology’s vision!

Meanwhile... Maybe you want to practice these Touristology’s mantras...
“Let’s clarify this once and for all… Your business is NOT selling rooms or F&B or seats or… Your business is to satisfy your customer, providing what they need, when they need it, in the way they need it!”
What do you have in YOUR enterprise (Rooms? Seats? Food and Beverage? Meeting places? Similar or complementary People: Locals other Tourists...) interesting for YOUR Tourist..., able to improve the Tourists life?
What do you have NEAR your enterprise? What is going on NEAR your enterprise? What can you CREATE NEAR your enterprise? interesting for YOUR Tourist..., able to improve the Tourists life?
To what problem can you provide a solution for YOUR Tourists BEFORE, DURING or AFTER the TRIP?
Can you find an opportunity to improve Tourists life... BEFORE, DURING or AFTER the TRIP?
Forget about only manage Tourists when they are already here! Forget about the old idea that Tourists are only interesting for my Tourists destination/enterprise when they stay here! Forget about the “things” you want to sell! Focus on Tourists’s needs, focus on the transformation power of travel...

Focus on become... A TOURISTOLOGIST!!!