Dec 1, 2022

Your lack of knowledge of Tourism is the REAL problem!

Too many times appear people... “experts_in_anything_but_Tourism” talking/writing about all the problems of our beloved sector!

Yes, Tourism can be both a boon and a bane BUT why this people only focus on the bane?
Why don’t they talk about Tourism generating synergies with other economy’s sectors? Specially, sectors with interest in internationalization AND related to Tourists’ motivation to Travel!
Why don’t they talk about how Tourism can help to visualize the use of new, new Technologies like for instance Generative AI, that made me to write these tweets

OR Blockchain providing Trustfulness!
OR  Augmented / Virtual Reality providing Ubiquity (Yes, I know that today is #Metaverse … BUT… Ubiquity is our homage to Mark Weiser)
#UbiquitousComputing allowing to connect in Real-Time the Tourists, members of their community around the world and all the members of the chain of value!
Allowing to give support and provide opportunities from the beginning to the end of the trip.
Tourist helping local enterprises in their internationalization process #Travel2Earn!
Tourists sharing transformative experiences with members of their community around the world!

Why “experts_in_anything_but_Tourism” don’t explain this?
Well, the answer is clear!
1) Their lack of knowledge of Touristology’s principles…
1-A) First International Tourism THEN, Local!
1-B) First Specialized Tourism THEN, Generic!  

1-C) Build and manage all the Trip’s Chain of Value! Make it able to work as a single organization!
As it happens in ALL the sectors, the ones that control the chain of value win the game!
2) They also have a lack of knowledge about Touristology’s tools.
2-1) Servuction
2-2) Yield Management

All this lack of knowledge, don’t allow them to visualize and catch the opportunities, neither how to avoid/minimize any potential problem (carrying capacity…)
I repeat! Tourism is NOT the problem. Your lack of knowledge about Tourism is the REAL problem!
Learn how to define and seduce Tourists that through a trip will improve their personal/professional life.
Learn to create and manage the chain of value for each one of the segments.
Learn to create Hybrid Experiences in order to get extra revenues from members of their community around the world!

Improve both the profitability and the sustainability!

In a nutshell…Learn Touristology!!!