Dec 1, 2020

I was the Math Teacher. Can you believe it?

I ask this question to myself, Touristologists!
When I was a child, I never understood mathematics. I didn’t like Math. Just learning formulas that I didn’t understand...
Then, one summer, I found a wonderful teacher and I saw the meaning of Mathematics. I fell in love with it!
In my first job as a Touristologists builder in the University, I was the Math Teacher, Financial Mathematics to be precise. 

I was known for My Touristologists as “the teacher of Math”. It was in 1992! I was the teacher able to explain difficult things (Math) in an easy way.
Can you imagine what my little me would have thought about that?
Everything is possible in life WITH continuous effort, trial-error methodology and whatever it takes attitude!
When, I began my Doctoral Thesis in 1996, one of the Teachers (The excellent PhD. Jaime Gil Aluja) was talking, all day long, about Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks. At the same time, all the teachers and my colleagues were talking, all day long, about Internet.
You know me, I always try to control everything (in my dreams!!!) So, I went deeper in my Math knowledge. I also learnt how to code for the Internet (HTML, JAVA (Specially, Servlets) Web Servers (basically, Tomcat) Data Base (Oracle and MySQL)...
I chose Artificial Intelligence for my doctoral Thesis. Of course, trying to find a practical application to our beloved sector. In 2000 I got a “Cum Laude” for it!
Since then, I have been teaching other subjects in Touristology. Nowadays, I am more focus on Marketing and the improvement of Operations and Processes of Tourism Destination and Enterprises.
My favorite Operation? Yield Management. It is a wonderful combination of Marketing, Finance and Web-Engineering!
I still am, from the point of view of My Touristologists, the Teacher able to explain difficult things (Math, How to be a Developer...) in an easy way!
Then, in 2015, several technologies appeared and other reappeared. I am talking about Blockchain, Augmented/Virtual reality AND Deep Learning.
Deep Learning? Well, it was an improvement of all the things that I had practice, long time ago, in my doctoral thesis. Neural Networks have now plenty of names: Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) as Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN)...
So, here I am... falling in love AGAIN with Mathematics mixed with Coding skills (nothing beats JavaScript for the frontend, Python for building Deep Learning Models, Java for Stream Processing, Swift for the Apple Ecosystem, Flutter for the Google one... AND, of course, visualizing new Business Models and how to improve Operations and Processes in our beloved sector!
Here, you can visualize one example that make me Tweet...
Working with one of my favorite topics #AI
Applying it to OUR beloved sector #Tourism
Visualizing new Business Models and Opportunities
Implementing the operations and processes!
How to add TRUST in the process? #Blockchain
How to add #HybridExperiences? #AR and Virtual Reality
I love #Touristology!!!

Do you see? In order to deal with new technologies in order to improve Business Models and Operations and processes of Tourism destination and enterprises, you have to work hard! You have to practice your Mathematics and Coding skills!
If you really want to adopt new Technologies (Blockchain, Augmented / Virtual reality, Artificial Intelligence...) you have to do whatever it takes!
Touristologists... when somebody or, even you, say to yourself
“You are not able to learn Mathematics or Coding skills”
Remember! They are excuses finders. They are not members of the elite club always looking for opportunities, always looking for solutions!
You have to choose! You want to be an excuses finder OR... Do you want to become a Touristologists?!?!?
If you choose to be a Touristologists. I will be here, waiting for YOU!
This is NOT my blog. It is the blog of the ones who fell in love with Touristology!