Jan 21, 2019

You are Touristologists!!!

You are Touristologists! You are able to do things that average people are unable to do. You are able to see opportunities that average people are not aware of.
You are able to do things Artificial Intelligence is unable to do (at least, for the next 10 years!) You can discover new dimensions of the Tourism Business Model. You can seduce, manage, motivate… a community of Tourists… You are Touristologists!!!
You know what specific needs that your segments have are better satisfied during a trip. You can convey this vision to them. You can seduce them to do the trip. You can create, communicate and commercialize this trip proving to them that their needs will be better satisfied!
You can detect different segments, you can
assess which ones are more profitable, you can change (or return) from one segment to another when is necessary (low season, a new competitor appears, bad economic situation of the usual countries of origin of the Tourists…).
You can create a community inside your Tourists, you can seduce them to create groups, you can offer to them any kind of service. Thanks to you, your Tourists will benefit of better prices, customized services/products and even new ones that the provider only create when see a mass market. Thanks to you, the provider will gain access to this new segment. All because your talent, your vision, your ability… your Touristology’s attitude!!!
You can improve Yield/Revenue Management KPI (RevPar, TRevPar, GopPar…). Show your ability to deal with the space and time parameters of the Servuction process! Show your ability as a wave manager!
You are an expert in Touristology. You are a Touristologist!!!

Jan 2, 2019

Happy New Year 2019!

Happy New Year 2019!
I hope it bring a light to guide OUR beloved sector towards a more prosperous destination.
My kids enjoy writing a letter to the Three Wizard Kings AND … so do I! I only ask for three things (one for each Wizard!).
For a 2019 where managers of the Cities / Destinations / Tourism Accommodations will learn to…
1) Manage OUR Tourists from the beginning to the end of the trip AND NOT ONLY at the "Factory" where other companies send their tourists.
2) Create, communicate and commercialize for OUR Tourists, international routes together with other competitors / collaborators.
3) Create YOUR own digital networks / communities focused on satisfying the needs of YOUR Tourists better satisfied during a trip: Transformation, international contacts, creativity recovery, creation / strengthening of family or business ties ...
Maybe, the Three Wizard kings prefer the letter in Spanish?
Por un 2019 donde los gestores de las Ciudades / Destinos / Alojamientos Turísticos aprendan a…
1) Gestionar a SUS Turistas desde el principio al final del viaje Y NO SOLO en la “Fabrica” donde otras empresas envían a SUS Turistas.
2) Crear, comunicar y comercializar, para SUS Turistas, rutas internacionales juntamente con otros competidores/colaboradores.
3) Crear SUS propias redes/comunidades digitales enfocadas a satisfacer las necesidades de SUS Turistas mejor satisfechas durante un viaje: Transformación, contactos internacionales, recuperación de la creatividad, creación/reforzamiento de vínculos familiares o empresariales…
Maybe, the Three Wizard kings prefer the letter in Catalan (my mother tongue)? 
Per un 2019 on els gestors de les Ciutats / Destinacions / Allotjaments Turístics aprenguin a ...
1) Gestionar els SEUS Turistes des del principi fins el final del viatge I NO NOMÉS a la "Fabrica" on altres empreses envien els SEUS Turistes.
2) Crear, comunicar i comercialitzar, pels SEUS Turistes, rutes internacionals juntament amb altres competidors / col·laboradors.
3) Crear les SEVES pròpies xarxes / comunitats digitals enfocades a satisfer les necessitats dels SEUS Turistes millor satisfetes durant un viatge: Transformació, contactes internacionals, recuperació de la creativitat, creació / reforçament de vincles familiars o empresarials...

WoW! Management of the TRIP not the City, Territory or Tourism Accommodation; International routes; Our own Social Networking sites… Those are real Touristologists gifts!!!
I still want to teach Touristology’s principles! What about you?
I still want to do consultancy following Touristology’s principles! What about you?
I still want to create Tourism enterprises following Touristology’s principles! What about you?
The future belongs to Touristologists! Be ready to catch new year’s opportunities!!!