Jan 3, 2020

Technologies increasing the transformation power of a trip!

These days (just remember, Touristologists don’t take holidays, they just travel around and abroad in order to know other markets, make international contacts, plan future business…) I had read “Competing in the Age of AI” a very interesting book related to one of my favorite technologies.
As you know, I also love Blockchain and Augmented Reality. BUT, above all else, I love to combine these technologies (or the ones that can appear in the future) in order...
1) To increase the satisfaction and transformation power of a trip in a Tourist 
2) To increase the wages, profits and cultural conservation of a Tourism destination!
Anyway, in this book the authors mention the success story of “El Peloton”.
You can enjoy this video to get an idea of its Business Model and Operations and Processes:
In this video, the creators of the successful startup “El Peloton” don’t use augmented reality but you can see a person enjoying at home and sharing experiences to people in other cities.
I agree with some comments that “El Peloton” would be a more profitable enterprise if they focus more on the software and less in the hardware BUT... what is important in OUR blog is... Can the combination of new technologies like Augmented Reality, Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain...be an exponential improvement for a Tourism package?
As always, I watch, read, talk... with my Touristology’s glasses on! I am sure that you wear them as well!!!

Can you visualize how to improve the experience, how to increase the transformation power of a trip using Augmented Reality? 
Can you see how using Artificial Intelligence you could provide scalability to all your processes and customize them for every Tourists at any moment at any place?
Can you see how Blockchain could provide trust when the Tourist has to deal with any enterprise/person/organization... in any place around the world?
Can you image a professional group, a startup or a big company sharing experiences when part of the group is at the office, other at home and other in different places around the world?
Can you image a family group (grandparents, parents, relatives...) sharing their experiences, views... feeling the transformative power of a trip?

Do you think that using AI, AR and Blockchain you can provide a better transformative experience before, during and after a trip?

Can you visualize how any Tourism enterprise can provide a solution to a Tourist in any place of the world?
Can you visualize how any Tourism destination can increase the number of Tourists without following the dangerous path of OverTourism?

Do you think that it could make your Tourism destination or enterprise more sustainable and profitable?

Augmented Reality is one of the topics that will help to redefine, improve and change our beloved sector. The same with Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence. Are you ready?
If you have any doubt you always can ask to any of my #Touristologists they are the best minds in the best sector ever!