Sep 30, 2012

A study case? Or just a marketing stunt?

The other day a fellow Touristologist send me this link...

what do you think, Jordi? - He asked me. Can you make a study case of it? Well… I’ll do my best!
To make a long story short, Gordon is a professional of the tourism sector (umm, did you realize that I don’t use the sacred word TOURISTOLOGIST? Mistake, bad spelling, it-is-the-same, I-have-my-own-reasons…?) He travels around the world doing consultancy for tourism enterprises, specially restaurants and hotels. I love this game!
On this occasion he visits Juniper Hill Inn where a gay couple is managing the Inn. One is the investor, the other the director/manager.
Gordon has been hired to overcome some serious problems in the hotel. To me, these problems can be summarized by:
1) They are in the red.
2) Workers are unhappy, unorganized and making a low standard performance.
Let’s see, after reviewing the video…
Do you agree that the previous problems are the most important ones? You know, when I prepare study cases sometimes I forgot important issues!
Can you use Touristology’s framework to find a solution? In real life, not providing a good solution means no money or bad word of mouth! In OUR class…feel ashamed in front of colleagues? Low self-esteem? Lower grades?
1) Can you use Bermuda triangle?
2) Can you use 1,2,3 theory? It can be useful to review the hotel’s website. It is obvious that after Gordon’s visit they changed a few things. Can you analyze and propose improvements to this web site? Do they practice any kind of segmentation? Can you improve it?
3) Can you use service recovery and servuction ideas in order to define a proper servuction?
By the way, isn’t it bizarre the study case’s title? Maybe is a clue to begin your investigation!
Come on Touristologist use your framework, use your brain! Remember Carl Sagan saying “The brain is like a muscle. When it is in use we feel very good. Understanding is joyous.” 
…And being a Touristologist is the best intellectual adventure ever!!!

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