Oct 18, 2011

Two alien species willing to dominate our attitude

Which will be your side? Don’t be in the middle. Act now! If not you who? If not now when?
On one side you have the aliens which seem characters taken out from "A Confederacy of Dunces"
They are easy to recognize:
1) They never smile; at most they force a grimace.
2) They are very fond of dead fish handshake and yawning like an elephant seal.
3) When you make an agreement with them they never keep their word. Always do something different or nothing at all and, of course, without previous warning and with a set of excuses ready to make clear that it wasn’t their fault.
4) Whatever you say to them they already know…. As a matter of fact they are experts in the art of knowing how to pretend to know.
But… don’t be mistaken! Be aware they’re dangerous.
They haven’t no merci, no feelings, no souls…
They’re enthusiasm killing machines!!!
On the other side you have the aliens which seem taken out from the lyrics’ of My Way

 Think about people living for their ideas. The ones able to visualize something new and create it.
Always with their spirit up, always smiling, no matter tiredness, personal problems or bad circumstances because they know…
“Circumstances - what are circumstances? I make circumstances.” Napoleon Bonaparte
“To hell with circumstances; I create opportunities.” Bruce Lee
“Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn’t matter to me … Going to bed at night saying we’ve done something wonderful… that’s what matters to me.” Steve Jobs
Nothing is lost yet you can unbalance the invasion!!!
Just remember…To be a Touristologist is not something you say or something that somebody has given to you. It’s something you have to earn!!!!

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