May 13, 2023

Me? Stubborn?

 - Jordi, why are you so stubborn with hybrid experiences?
You are the stubborn one, anchored in old definitions of Tourism.

You are stubborn saying that all the Tourist are the same. 

That all the Tourists want to go to the same places at the same time. 

That all the Tourists will use the same Chain Of Value

That all want the same kind of Servuction inside the chain of value (or even worst… you don’t know the definition of Servuction and you have an incredible lack of curiosity to learn about it!)
By the way, maybe you also consider Google a little bit stubborn…
Announcing Geospatial Creator saying…
Make the world your canvas/store/project….?
It sounds very #Touristologistly to me!
And… the beginning of a Hybrid Experience!
1) Tourists/Inhabitants HERE/NOW using #AR


Also, announcing Photorealistic 3D Tiles offering a seamless 3D mesh model of the real-world that can be integrated in a Virtual Reality application.
2) Members of their community AROUND_THE_WORLD/AT_ANYTIME using #VR


The name of the game?

Opportunities for Touristologists creating, communicating and commercializing…

YES! #HybridExperiences!!!


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