Nov 10, 2022

Connecting the dots: Photogrammetry, Computer Vision...Touristology!

 You can enjoy watching the following videos, Touristologists!!!
JUMP is a very good example of an immersive experience!

Can you visualize how to combine it with members of  their community in the REAL scenario?
Welcome to Hybrid Experiences in the Metaverse!
Welcome to the possibility of breaking Space/Time prison
- BUT…Jordi! To reproduce this scene is very difficult! To seduce Tourists to do activities together is very difficult! To…
- STOP making excuses! Open your mind! Become a Touristologists!!!
Artificial Intelligence can help us to reproduce any scene with a lower cost and faster time!
Enjoy this video where Rene Schulte says the sentence of the year!
Generative #AI creating 3D models “like when photography came along right like painters were basically saying, oh they are cheating”

Enjoy this video to learn a little bit about NeRF!

You as a Touristologists (the best minds in the best sector ever) can create, communicate, and commercialize Hybrid Experiences for GROUPS inside Specialized Segments!
If not you.. Who?
If not now.. When?

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