Today, 33 years ago… I began my transformation into a Touristologists builder!
Today, I feel more important than ever to create the best minds for the best sector ever!
In order to be in the fight, at least other 33 years, this is the present that I ask to the Three Wizard Kings.
“Gods, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
And wisdom to know the difference.”
Serenity, Courage and Wisdom… those are real gifts!
Some people believe that in 2025 I am just an old dog… YES! But still learning new tricks!
I still want to be a Touristologists! What about you?
I still want to revolutionize our lovely sector! What about you?
I still want to make clear than Touristology is a science! What about you?