Instead of talking about how to use YOUR data, to create YOUR models, and verify their efficiency with YOUR people (Tourists, Employees/Collaborators, Investors…), you opt for the easy thing… using a GENERIC artificial intelligence trained to SIMULATE credible answers.
Instead of using Blockchain to create TRUST in YOUR dynamic and international chain of value allowing YOU to create, communicate and commercialize Tourism packages customized in Real-Time, you opt for a kind of Ponzi scheme hurting the trust in the technology.
Instead of using Virtual_Augmented Reality to improve the transformation power of travel, from the beginning to the end of the trip, bringing benefits for YOUR Tourists, Local Enterprises and Members of the community around the word, you opt for creating ANOTHER WORLD disconnected of the real one.
The same happens when we talk about Social Media or Social Networking Sites (SnS). Instead of defining YOUR own specialized segments, build YOUR own community in YOUR own platform, you opt for the easy thing, to use other people GENERIC SnS and wait that other bring THEIR Tourists here, which provoke undesirable consequences.
#OverTourism? We prefer to call it #LackOfTouristology!!!
We need to create knowledge!
We need to change the way we enjoy, manage and define Tourism!