Dec 2, 2023

Let's be leaders applying Quantum Computing in Tourism!

Every now and then, some Touristologists ask me…
- Jordi! You are always talking about how new technologies (Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Virtual_Augmented Reality…) can help us to improve our beloved sector. Why do you never talk about Quantum Computing?
Well, future of Touristology… I mentioned Quantum here, making a reference to YOU able to provide a dramatic advance in OUR beloved Science!!
“Time can advance as a circle BUT from time to time you get a quantum leap and you will have a chance to pass from one average circle to a special one. Be prepared, be ready and wait for the quantum leap that can transport you to another circle… a superior one!”
I always have a radar trying to detect the new, new thing! I always try to put it in YOU!
But…so far, Quantum Computing don’t seem very interesting to me. It is true that can increase the speed in the processes, and this can be a threat for security BUT, on the other hand, I am sure that Quantum Computing can also create more secure protocols!
As appear in this article “until the quantum hardware matures, the time is well spent looking for a similar quantum advantage in other areas.”
Do you want to know when Quantum Computing will be a quantum leap for OUR beloved sector???
When somebody make available Quantum entanglement!!! “when two particles link together in a certain way no matter how far apart they are in space.”

To US, it is important that TWO particles far away one of the other changes automatically the state. As we always said, as a Touristologists, anything breaking Space/Time prison sounds VERY interesting!!!                 


What is the main difference between Production and Servuction?  In Servuction, we need the Tourists HERE/NOW
What is the main difference between Marketing and Yield Management? As we need the Tourist to create the service, we have to seduce the Tourist to be right here, right now.
As we need the Tourist to create the service and it is not possible to deposit the service…. If it is not sold now, it will be lost forever!
I, strongly, recommend that you read “A Shortcut Through Time” by George Johnson. Quantum Computing can, definitely, be a shortcut through time (and also shortcut through space, we, Touristologistly, add!!!)
In order to apply Quantum Computing in our beloved sector, we will need:
A) Better hardware = Better Qubits with higher Coherence (free of outside disturbance).
B) Better software = Better Quantum algorithms increasing optimization and decreasing errors rate
C) People able to visualize and implement Quantum Computing in Tourism.
People? Touristologists!!!… just listen to your inner Touristology’s voice…
Who is better prepared/trained to visualize how Quantum Computing can improve Operations and Processes of Tourism Destinations/Enterprises?
Who is better prepared/trained to implement these improvements?
Quantum entanglement (or Einstein–Podolsky–Rosen paradox) could help to create, communicate and commercialize #HybridExperiences between Tourists, Inhabitants and local enterprises HERE/NOW using Augmented Reality, and members of their international community around the world at any time using Virtual Reality AND sharing their avatar in Real-Time!
I said, around the world? Around the entire Universe!!! Welcome to Space Tourism!
I love Quantum Computing! I love the #Metaverse! I love Touristology!!!

Nov 1, 2023

AI in Tourism! Leaders or followers?

I did my PhD 23 years ago, trying to mix Artificial Intelligence with our beloved sector!
I love to understand Mathematics that allow me visualize the power of Neural Networks.
I loved to learn Java (then, Python in PyTorch and TensorFlow…Now Rust using Burn to create my own software trained with my own data.
Nowadays, that AI provide exceptional features BUT it is still far away from Artificial general intelligence (AGI), it is a pity, to see countries that want to be leaders in Tourism, to only focus on using other people software trained with other people data. This makes me Tweet 

It is a pity to see how… “Some lobbyists for large companies — some of which would prefer not to have to compete with open source — are trying to convince policy makers that AI is so dangerous, governments should require licenses for large AI models. If enacted, such regulation would impede open source development and dramatically slow down innovation.”
We can improve AI’s algorithms!
We can improve Servuction and Yield Management’s processes adding customization in Real-Time thanks to the scalability that AI provides.
We have to teach OUR Touristologists, OUR Tourism companies to create their own software using their own data extracted from their own operations and processes inside the chain of value of all the enterprises that OUR Tourists use from the beginning to the end of the trip!
We have to create synergies with other Sciences to improve AI’s algorithms!
We can, definitely, be leaders applying AI in Tourism!!!
By the way...

Blockchain (providing Trustfulness and privacy) 

Artificial Intelligence (providing Scalability) 

Augmented_Virtual Reality (Allowing to break Space/Time prison)

Oct 1, 2023

Static or Dynamic?

In my professional life, I always end up making the most of visualizing and implementing improvements in Operations and Processes of Tourism Enterprises/Destinations (or any other sector related to #Servuction!!!) adding a little bit of dynamism to static situations!
I remember in 1996, when a lot of people/enterprises passes their brochure to a static website. The opportunity? To make these websites more dynamic using data bases from the same enterprise to convey customized content, commerce and community (The 3C’s that John Hagel described in 1995 ) and implementing syndication to do the same from any member of the chain of value.
-    Is still true today, Jordi?
-    Ummm, let me see…

What about to pass from NFT to #DynamicNFT that it will “allow the creators to alter the metadata and change the appearance and features of a given asset” 

-    What do you mean by altering the MetaData?
For instance, linking together transactions, rights (Did the #Tourists buy, share, create a #Group…?), and desires (#VersionsOfMe based on mood and who is near to him/her) in Real-Time!
-    In Real-Time?
I think that you have to review this post and open your mind to Stream Processing!!! 

In OUR classes, seminars, in-company training or start-up meetings in order to define (or redefine!) the Business Model and the Technology Scheme we always learn…
1) How any organization can focus on specialized segments and CUSTOMIZE/SYNDICATE/PRO_AM its services to them in all the chain of value (in the case, of Tourism in all the enterprises that the Tourists has to deal with since the beginning to the end of the trip)
2) How to design the organization structure to provide these services in real-time
3) How the organization will be able to survive avoiding threats and catching opportunities!
Opportunities, as the Metaverse (the new, new Internet, the web 254, Spatial Computing, Ubiquitous Computing… whatever you choose to call it!), will bring to our beloved sector!

-  Will be the Metaverse a parallel world or the opportunity to break space/time prison in the real world?
-   Could be both! BUT… to break space/time prison sounds very Touristologistly to me!!!
Time to learn, to apply OUR knowledge, to show to the world that you are the best mind in the best science ever! 



Sep 3, 2023

Metaverse, Internet3D, Web254….? We don’t care about names!

Please Touristologists! Stop talking/reading/listening to people highlighting Artificial Intelligence OR Blockchain OR Augmented_Virtual Reality!
These three technologies are mixed in heaven to provide Scalability, Trustfulness, and Ubiquity  to OUR operations and processes. You can call this set of technologies Metaverse, Internet3D, Web254…But, We don’t care about names! We care about providing profitability and sustainability to our beloved sector!
Let’s review the role of each technology in this golden goal, shall we?
Artificial Intelligence providing scalability, allowing to improve Servuction and Yield Management processes for each Tourists (OR GROUP) in Real-Time! Transforming data into knowledge! Transforming videos and pictures in 3D scenes which will allow to share experiences between Tourists and Inhabitants HERE/NOW with members of their international community Around_The_World/At_Anytime!
Blockchain providing Trustfulness and privacy to the game! Allowing to verify the identity of the members of the chain of value and linking together transactions, rights, and desires in Real-Time!
Augmented_Virtual Reality providing ubiquity and a higher level of immersivity able to be changed and customized in Real-Time!
Wait a moment! Do you realize, how the word “Real-Time” appears again and again?
How these technologies can provide Scalability, Trustfulness, and Ubiquity  in Real-Time?
Time to add another technology!!!
Streams Processing allowing to create Event_Driven applications, notifying transformative opportunities and solutions to potential problems to the Tourists/inhabitants and members of their international community…YES! In Real-Time!!!
Blockchain improve Databases (MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL…MongoDB…Neo4j) adding trust, (especially important in a dynamic and international chain of value!). Streams Processing also improve them allowing to store and query data in Real-Time and to react to events (which technologically is called Push_Queries)

We talked about Streams Processing here where we highlighted that IF YOU manage all the trip of YOUR Tourists you are a Touristologists while if you just wait of OTHERS to bring THEIR Tourists…well you can be a copyologists or this kind of experts in Tourism that are only able to criticize and never proposal any solution for our beloved sector.  

We have to manage all the trip! Can you imagine enterprises creating computers, smartphones… spatial computing devices saying:
- We will manage just the factory! We will let the distribution, the logistics, direct contact with the customers in the savvy hands of other enterprises!

Metaverse, Internet3D, Web254… = Artificial Intelligence + Blockchain + Augmented_Virtual Reality + Streams Processing!
We are Touristologists!
Our goal is to increase profitability and sustainability of the Tourism sector!
Our goal is to improve the personal and professional life of Tourists!
Our goal is to provide international opportunities to other sectors of the economy related to the travel motivation of specialized segments!
Our goal is to improve all the sectors related to Servuction (Tourism, Health, Education…)  using Touristology’s principles!
We are wave managers of Tourists and Data!
We provide solutions!!!
We are Touristologists!!!


Aug 1, 2023

Solutions? No… they only criticize.

I love reading/talking/visualizing/implementing new strategies and processes in our beloved sector!
I, strongly, claim that to travel can improve personal and personal lives! I put myself as an example. Tourism changed my life, long time ago, when I traveled around Europe as an assistant of a Tourists Guide. When I returned, I had the opportunity to be a teacher and consultant for one University of Tourism. Soon, I realized that Tourism is one of the sectors related to Servuction (as it is Education, Health…any sector where we need the customer HERE/NOW).
In 1996, I felt in love with Internet technologies. To mix Servuction with Internet technologies (Artificial Intelligence, Databases/Blockchain, Augmented_Virtual Reality) is my intellectual love and my Linkedin profile, as well!!!
In 2021, thanks to the advances of Artificial Intelligence, it was possible to create 3D scenes from videos/pictures. Some people, visualize how this feature can break the limits of Space/Time prison! Offering hybrid experiences to Tourists and Inhabitants HERE/NOW with members of their community Around_The_World/At_Anytime.

Exciting times to become a Touristologists!!! 

Great opportunities to increase both profitability and sustainability!


Sometimes I read opinions about experts in Tourism…instead of talking about how to make our beloved sector more profitable, they talk, all day long, about how some people in Tourism get a low salary and how some Tourism destinations have a low per capita income and that we have to diversify of Tourism.
Can you imagine experts in Philosophy saying that Philosophy is not good for humankind? That we have to try other Sciences?

Maybe, they get these conclusions because they prefer quantitative methodologies to do their research. Quantitative methodologies are perfect to know the “WHAT”  
In order to know the “WHY” and visualize and implement solutions you have to use (or combine with) qualitative methodology. We can review this article that mix qualitative and quantitative methodologies, especially interesting, when you are dealing with exploratory analysis.
I repeat… without chain of value control… without managing all the trip it is very difficult to get a decent profitability paying good salaries. By the way, this is true in Tourism and ANY OTHER SECTOR!!!
I repeat… Tourism is perfect to generate synergies with other sectors of the economy!
BUT… you have to know about Tourism. You have to be a Touristologists!!!
Are those experts providing solutions for Tourism? They don’t care! They just criticize!
Do they know the meaning of the word “Servuction”?
OR… Do they have a lack of intellectual curiosity to learn about it?
Do you want to visualize how Tourism can help other sectors of the economy?
Do you want to visualize and implement solutions and potential improvements (both personal and professional) for the Tourists, the inhabitants, local enterprises and members of specialized communities, related to a Tourism destination, around the world?
I will be here…waiting for you!

Jul 1, 2023

Choose Blockchain! Avoid BlockPAIN!!!

I love Blockchain as a tool to help you to monetize the community that you build and serve!
You don’t have a product to sell. You have a community to serve. This is your power; this is your competitive advantage!!!
Blockchain can help YOU to offer interesting things to YOUR international community of specialized Tourists then, you will monetize YOUR community!
One community, Jordi?
- OR thousands, Touristologists!!! Welcome to the Long Tail Theory!
- But… which communities we have to choose?
- The ones more related to your values, culture, heritage... The ones more connected to your local enterprises and inhabitants looking for international opportunities!!!
BUT remember…
Blockchain is difficult to code (it is also a perfect excuse to learn to code in Rust!!!), to create and maintain the infrastructure that they need, expensive and not so fast to use as others alternative…
If you don’t provide to the customer (The Tourists, Inhabitants, Local Enterprises and members of their community around the world) and incredible experience…it is worthy?
As Steve Jobs love to say…
“You have to star with… what incredible benefits can we give to the Customer”


Lately, I have saw some startups using Blockchain trying to improve operations and processes of our beloved sector.
1) One of them offer the possibility to resell a Hotel reservation, instead of following the cancelation process. It is a good example of #Pro_AM where the Tourists become a salesperson. It also helps Hotels to better manage the Chain of Value. BUT… incredible benefits?
2) Other try to sell a kind of stocks as a token. A NFT they say
Well… if all the tokens provide the same benefits… it is NOT a NFT!
In both cases, If we customize IN REAL_TIME the dividends/benefits the owner gets of the NFT based on the desires He/She has at this moment and the rights that He/She can accredit…
Then, is a NFT and not only that.. A perfect tool to increase loyalty, build a stronger community and to promote the idea that Tourists can #Travel2Earn if they improve the personal and/or professional life of Inhabitants, Local Enterprises and members of their community around the world!
Do you want to create incredible benefits/Experiences for YOUR Tourists using Blockchain?
Don’t ask me! Ask to My Touristologists! They are the best minds in the best sector ever
AND they are able to mix Blockchain with Artificial Intelligence and Augmented_Virtual Reality to create, communicate and commercialize Hybrid Experiences able to break Space/Time prison!!!

Enjoy your holydays!
Just remember, WE don’t take holidays, WE just travel around and abroad in order to know other markets, make international contacts, plan future business… AND use OUR frameworks! Otherwise, they will get rusty!!!

Jun 25, 2023

We need Touristologists!!!

When I began teaching Tourism (31 years ago!). Nobody wanted to be a teacher of our beloved Science! It was considered a low level grade for some “visionaries”.
Nowadays, it is even worse…
Teachers in Tourism explaining generic concepts and, at the end, providing examples of Hotels…
Teachers in Tourism declaring that Tourism is bad for Tourism Destinations!
Can you imagine Philosophers saying that Philosophy is bad for human beings???
As we say in Catalan (my beautiful mother tongue) “Deu n’hi doret!!”

Today, I have enjoyed this article 
“The traveller departs confident that she will come back with the same basic interests, political beliefs, and living arrangements. Travel is a boomerang. It drops you right where you started.”
Interesting! BUT… You must try Specialized Tourism!!! What you describe is NOT Tourism. It is a KIND of Tourism (Generic Tourism).
“Tourists are less likely to borrow from their hosts than their hosts are from them, thus precipitating a chain of change in the host community. We go to experience a change, but end up inflicting change on others”.
Again, you describe a close package using big intermediaries that, usually, control Generic Tourism!
Try to visualize Specialized Tourism where local enterprises define and seduce international travelers. Trying to create, communicate and commercialize international routes AND hybrid experiences connecting Tourists HERE/NOW with members of their community AROUND_THE_WORLD/AT_ANYTIME!!!
You can be well educated, write wonderful sentences, know a lot about Philosophy and…
Unknowing the difference between Generic and Specialized Tourism!
Unknowing that Tourism is good for your Tourism destination ONLY if it is properly managed!
Thinking that all the Tourists are equal! 
We need more experts in Travel Management than critics without solutions!!!
We need experts in how Tourism can create synergies with other sectors of the economy (Industrial Tourism, Business, International students… are excellent examples)
We need #Touristologists!!!
Do you want to become one?
I will HERE/NOW or ANYWHERE/AT_ANYTIME waiting for you!!!


Jun 1, 2023

International Routes? I just want to sell my Enterprise/Tourism Destination!!!

Lately, I have seen some interesting ads related to international routes.
As you know, to be able to visualize and successfully implement international routes is one of the positive consequences of building an international community of a specialized segment and to have the skills of managing all the chain of value related to the trip.
The last example was a Master about Campsites Management
The other was a Master for Hotel Management
I, strongly, believe that these two examples of international routes are a very good way to increase the competitivity and sustainability of the Enterprises who create, communicate and commercialize them.
Sustainability? YES!
if you have international specialized Tourists in an international route enjoying a transformative experience, you become a magnet for any person/enterprise willing to learn about this community, to hire some of the members, to do some marketing research…..
And YES! This transformative experience can become a Hybrid one, between Tourists/Inhabitants HERE/NOW and members of their community AROUND_THE_WORLD/AT_ANYTIME…
Will these courses focus on Touristology’s principles? I hope so!

Remember, Touristologists!
1) Fist Specialized then, Generic/Mass Tourism
2) Give support in all the #ChainOfValue
3) Propose #InternationalRoutes
4) Propose #HybridExperiencies with #Tourists/Locals Here/Now and members of their community Around_The_World/At_Anytime in order to increase #Profitability and #Sustanibility 

At the end of the day, where is better to apply a little bit of #Metaverse…breaking Space/Time prison and improving the #Servuction’s process that in #Education, #Tourism, #Health, #VideoGaming…?

BOTH to participate in these International/Hybrid Experiences and, above all else to create, communicate and commercialize them!
A) As a travelers, they can practice a little bit of #Travel2Earn showing to the world the power of IoT.
IoT? Internet of TOURISTS!!!
They can be a good example of Tourists enjoying the trip and also sending customized /syndicated and Pro-amized 3 C’s to any member of THEIR community!!! To Local, professional enterprises... To relatives, colleagues!!!
They can be classified as the most intelligent sensor on earth willing to provide a service to THEIR community while earn a living through micropayments in Non Fungible Tokens format sharing travel experiences, sharing opportunities to improve the professional/personal life of their relatives and members of their community.

B) As a creators… well nothing better than to show you an illuminating example that a bunch of excellent Touristologists exposed in OUR class!
They explain how one University (in this case, Tecnocampus) can use the power of the #Metaverse to break Space/Time and seduce students from other countries to study here AND then (or at the same time) enjoy an international route at several universities around the world.
As they love Yield Management, they know that when you have a low occupancy and a low booking pace, you have to diversify. So, they provided examples of young students but also examples of new segments…
Single dads willing to study in the university with their young kids.
Dreamers of creating new start-ups willing to travel and get international contacts and new members for the team (Marketers, Developers….)
Young people over 50, followers of the “lifelong learning” philosophy!
Here you have a taste of their project:

If you have any doubt… don’t ask me!
Ask any of my Touristologists, they are the best minds working in the best sector ever!!!
I love to use Tourism to create synergies with any other sector!
I love Touristology!!!

May 13, 2023

Me? Stubborn?

 - Jordi, why are you so stubborn with hybrid experiences?
You are the stubborn one, anchored in old definitions of Tourism.

You are stubborn saying that all the Tourist are the same. 

That all the Tourists want to go to the same places at the same time. 

That all the Tourists will use the same Chain Of Value

That all want the same kind of Servuction inside the chain of value (or even worst… you don’t know the definition of Servuction and you have an incredible lack of curiosity to learn about it!)
By the way, maybe you also consider Google a little bit stubborn…
Announcing Geospatial Creator saying…
Make the world your canvas/store/project….?
It sounds very #Touristologistly to me!
And… the beginning of a Hybrid Experience!
1) Tourists/Inhabitants HERE/NOW using #AR


Also, announcing Photorealistic 3D Tiles offering a seamless 3D mesh model of the real-world that can be integrated in a Virtual Reality application.
2) Members of their community AROUND_THE_WORLD/AT_ANYTIME using #VR


The name of the game?

Opportunities for Touristologists creating, communicating and commercializing…

YES! #HybridExperiences!!!


May 1, 2023

Metaverse, International Routes… Synergies with other sectors!!!

The other day, I was sharing this interesting video that in 0:27”-0:41” represent the powerful idea of sharing 3 C’s (described by John Hagel: Content, Commerce and Community) in a Customized, Syindicated and Pro-amized way!

Based on this video, I proposed to the future of Touristology, to visualize how to create, communicate and commercialize Hybrid Experiences following International Routes focused on Specialized Segments!

When I am lucky, appears some Touristologists hungry of knowledge taking the example and providing their own examples. As always, we say in our classes, seminars, in-company training or start-up meeting… if you are unable to provide an original example….you don’t get the theory!
You can provide an example of a Yoga class as a shared experience between Tourists/Inhabitants HERE/NOW and members of their community AROUND_THE_WORLD/AT_ANYTIME… OR you can share a History class OR ideas about how to create a Metaverse Game (What about a kind of “Scape City”) OR to learn how to create the new international dish mixing flavors from around the world OR how to select the best wine practicing a little bit of our sommelier skills OR…How Yoga can improve Health when you are dealing with pain treatment… Do you see, Tourism providing synergies to other sectors of the economy!!!
Listen to your inner Touristology’s voice…“Tourism creates synergies with any other sector of the economy with interest in internationalization AND related to Tourists’ motivation to Travel!”
Of course, you can provide this Hybrid Experiences inside an International Route.

For instance, a group of experts (or wannabe) in fashion from China, sharing experiences with other Tourists, Inhabitants and members of their international community from Barcelona, Paris, Milan…
Of course, this Hybrid Experience could be enjoyed out of Space/Time. Members of the international community can benefit of Virtual Reality headsets, felling and immerse experience from AROUND_THE_WORLD. Also AT_ANYTIME reviewing specific questions related to “this” asana, dish, wine, how to apply artificial Intelligence to create NPC (non-player characters) in a game…
Of course, in order to create, communicate and commercialize this Hybrid Experience, somebody has to build the chain of value from different countries of origin and different Tourism destinations in the International Route…
Somebody, has to be sure that the technology of these different enterprises is able to work as a single organization (1) INTEGRATION and 2) SYNCHRONIZATION) in order to provide support to the Tourists/Inhabitants and members of the community, from the beginning to the end of the trip.
Touristologists! The best minds in the best sector ever!!!


Apr 1, 2023

Stop criticizing… Provide solutions!

The other day, we were talking about how OUR Science can provide a stimulating alternative to what some people call OverTourism that we prefer to call #LackOfTouristology!
Do you want to go deeper (you know me…I love to go deeper!)  We can read again this post or this one.
Then, every time that somebody ask to you…
- What EXACTLY do you mean with “a stimulating alternative for everybody”?
You can reply following the Touristology’s voice inside you…
- Basically, instead of mitigation, trying diversification of Tourism and saying, all day along, that Tourism is a low value sector (
by the way, showing you ignorance about the best sector ever!)… You have to review the following Touristology’s principles
1) Discover people (#Tourists) which through a trip can improve their personal/professional life.
2) Find #Inhabitants and #LocalEnterprises which can benefit from international contacts, vision… new approaches.
3) Create and manage a #ChainOfValue to provide support from the beginning to the end of the trip.
4) Enjoy practicing #Servuction and #YieldManagement inside this #ChainOfValue
5) Enjoy providing #HybridExperiencies #BeforeDuringAfter the trip to the #Tourists and members of their community around the world
6) Enjoy proving to yourself that you are master and commander of Space/Time management!
Enjoy the #Metaverse!!!
Enjoy #Touristology!!!

- Jordi, can you provide an example?
- Of course, Touristologists! What about Royal Caribbean offering a gaming experience related to the new cruises open to the public in January 2024
“Royal Caribbean: Hide ’N’ Sea”


It is a very interesting gaming experience #Touristologists!!!
BUT… it could be much more #Profitable and #Sustainable experience if YOU transform it into a HybridExperience mixing the real trip with Tourists there (using AR) and members of their community around the world (using VR)

Who has the vision, skills, contacts to create, communicate and commercialize it?
If not YOU…Who?
If not NOW…When?


Mar 1, 2023

All or nothing? Yes or Not? Ferrater I Mora forever!

Nowadays, I am listening to, reading, talking, visualizing new business models, getting my hands dirty with code… about our favorite technologies (Artificial Intelligence, Augmented/Virtual Reality, Blockchain). 
Some people say “this is the important one” “this is a waste of time”… I think that is the perfect time to remember our favorite Philosopher and practice a little bit of… 
“Extremes are not for situating yourself they are for knowing your situation” 
And, more explicitly, to visualize yourself and your Tourism Destination/Enterprise in relation to the Metaverse! 
Just remember, Touristologists… 
Metaverse will change everything…Metaverse will change nothing… 
Metaverse to create a replica of my Tourism Destination/Enterprise in another space…OR to create, communicate, and commercialize Hybrid Experiences between Tourists, Inhabitants HERE and members of their community AROUND_THE_WORLD!
- Jordi, why Metaverse is so linked to Touristology?
Because the Metaverse will help us to better manage Space/Time.
We, definitely, want to better manage Space/Time in Servuction's processes! We want to manage the interactions between Tourists, Staff in Contact and Physical Support WHEN and WHERE action is happening. So, we need to manage the duality SPACE/TIME.
What do you think, Touristologists…Could the Metaverse helps us in it?
We, definitely, want to seduce Tourists Today (low occupancy, later cancellations….) / Now (moments with low booking pace). 
As we always say in OUR classes, seminars, in-company training or start-up meetings…we don’t have a Camping, Restaurant, Hotel, Airline, Cruise… We have a space/Metaverse Platform that can become anything to offer the right service, for the right Tourists, through the right channel, to the right price (AND PROFIT!!!)!
By the way, good definition of Yield Management!!!
What do you think, Touristologists…Could the Metaverse helps us to become better Yield Managers?
Artificial Intelligence will have its own conscience…. Artificial Intelligence have a lack of common sense.
We want to use all day long the last AI’s tool of another enterprise… OR to build our own models, with our own data and verified by our own people!
Artificial Intelligence helps us to automatize, to make scalable the new business models that humans are able to visualize!
Blockchain will change everything… Blockchain is a ponzi scheme
We want to create original and unique NFT… OR to create, communicate, and commercialize dynamic NFT able to provide customize dynamics packages in real-time keeping privacy of our data and offering Trustfulness!!!
Blockchain /Holochain will helps us to create abstract dynamic packages able to be instantiated and customized in real-time for different Tourists!
So, Tourists will be able to get a dynamic package that will be customized (information, things to buy or sell, complementary/similar people to meet…) based on their mood and who is near to HERE/NOW or AROUND_THE_WORLD/AT_ANY_TIME in the Metaverse.
Touristologists, at the end of the day…
Define specialized segments that will improve their personal /professional life through a trip AND will improve local enterprises and inhabitants.
Define and build the Chain of Value that will allow you to give support to YOUR Tourists from the beginning to the end of the trip.
Visualize new Business Models make possible by new technologies (VR_AR, AI, Blockchain)
Learn how to implement them in #OperationsAndProcesses
Become a Touristologists!!!
Differences between Metaverse, Internet 3D, Blockchain, Holochain, WebX? I don’t care about names! I care about providing a solution to the problem of low occupancy, price war, lack of direct reservations, lack of profit and sustainability!
Can you find new opportunities?
Don’t be a definition-provider! Become a problem-solver. Become an opportunity-finder! Become a Touristologist!!!


Feb 1, 2023

Instead of…

Instead of talking about how to use YOUR data, to create YOUR models, and verify their efficiency with YOUR people (Tourists, Employees/Collaborators, Investors…), you opt for the easy thing… using a GENERIC artificial intelligence trained to SIMULATE credible answers.

Instead of using Blockchain to create TRUST in YOUR dynamic and international chain of value allowing YOU to create, communicate and commercialize Tourism packages customized in Real-Time, you opt for a kind of Ponzi scheme hurting the trust in the technology.

Instead of using Virtual_Augmented Reality to improve the transformation power of travel, from the beginning to the end of the trip, bringing benefits for YOUR Tourists, Local Enterprises and Members of the community around the word, you opt for creating ANOTHER WORLD disconnected of the real one.

The same happens when we talk about Social Media or Social Networking Sites (SnS). Instead of defining YOUR own specialized segments, build YOUR own community in YOUR own platform, you opt for the easy thing, to use other people GENERIC SnS and wait that other bring THEIR Tourists here, which provoke undesirable consequences.
#OverTourism? We prefer to call it #LackOfTouristology!!!

We need to focus!
We need to create knowledge!
We need to change the way we enjoy, manage and define Tourism!

Jan 19, 2023

Disruptive innovation in Cloud computing. Web 3.0 version!

Yes, yes… I know that we believe that there is only one web, as we talked about here
“Web 1.0, 2.0, 3.0… (you name it!) are not an evolution of the web BUT an evolution of our use and understanding of it!”
But, let me use this terminology and try to relate it to cloud computing and OUR Touristology’s principles!
The other day, I was reading an interesting report. They recommend “you should focus on personalizing the guest experience because if you don’t, your competitors will…data silos as the top challenge facing IT teams in creating a single view of the customer”
Remember SYNDICATION and the tools it provides Touristologists!!! 

In order to break silos connecting all the members of the chain of value from the beginning to the end of the trip...
We can use WebScraping to get and send the 3C’s (Content, Commerce and Community) in all the Websites, Mobiles Apps, Metaverse Platforms… of the enterprises members of the chain of value.
We can use WebServices to get and send the 3C’s  in all the Data Bases of the enterprises members of the chain of value.
We can use Blockchain to do the same, because all of them are using the same “Data Base”.
We can use Events /Streams processing in order to get and send these 3C’s in Real-Time!  

At the beginning of cloud computing, AWS was the first offering this kind of services. At that time, we use a portal like Liferay in order to put in a single site all the relevant information related to your Tourists and members of the chain of value. In this post, I highlight the excellent project of a wonderful set of Touristologists!

Liferay was great! But it is an example of monolithic architecture and nowadays, we prefer to talk about microservices.
We can use, Spin (using RUST/WASM)

You can enjoy this video where Matt Butcher CEO of Fermyon talks about the evolution of Cloud Computing, highlighting “instant startup times” thanks to WASM.

If you, as myself, like to get your hands dirty with code you also can enjoy this video by Rainer Stropek,  Touristologists!!!

We can use Holochain. We talked about Holochain here and here... they define themselves as “An end-to-end open source P2P app framework”. 

Jordi! Why do you mention Holochain in a post related to cloud computing? 

Well, they are a kind of Blockchain BUT they highlight a clear business model:  “Holochain technology works by allowing people to turn their computers into hosting stations. Instead of using one big web hosting service, Holochain taps into thousands of smaller ones. In this sense, it is essentially doing to cloud computing what Airbnb did to hotels. Airbnb eliminated the need to stay at a large hotel by tapping into individual homeowners. It gave homeowners the ability to rent out their extra space. Holochain does the same thing by letting people turn their computers into hosting stations.”

If they plan to build a distributed cloud computing service, the WASM’s feature of “instant startup times” sounds interesting to me!
Do you see Touristologists? I began talking about Cloud Computing BUT I finish…
1) Talking about how to use it in our beloved sector following one of our favorite Touristology’s principles: Build and Manage all the chain of value!
2) Talking about how Cloud computing can copy a Business Model from a Tourism Enterprise!
We love mixing together Touristology and New Technologies!
We love to apply Touristology’s principles to any sector related to Servuction: Health, Education, Games…
We love to help any sector of the economy with the synergies that our beloved sector can generate!
We are Touristologists!!!

Jan 1, 2023

Sustainability in Tourism…NOT possible. Metaverse in Tourism…NOT useful. Open your mind....Learn Touristology!!!

The other day, some people was saying that sustainability is not possible in Tourism, because to travel is bad for the environment.
Other people were talking about that the Metaverse is not useful either, because they will never wear a VR headset
We talked about this kind of people here.
I, strongly, believe that it should be compulsory when somebody talk about our beloved sector to provide solutions, both profitable and sustainable, and not just criticism.
In this article, we can find an example…
'We don't want tourists flying from America and Asia to visit the Cotswolds…They would rather promote the Cotswolds to visitors who can get to the UK by more sustainable means of transport.”
These arguments made me tweet...

International Tourism will never be sustainable? Well, life is not sustainable either...every day that you live you are closer to the final trip! BUT We, definitely, can live in a healthier way!
Can we define and manage Tourism in a way that improve our natural and economic resources… In a way, that can be profitable and regenerative for future generations?
Of course! 

We can increase the sustainability and profitability of our Tourism Destination/Enterprises BUT… in order to achieve that we have to follow Touristology’s principles!

We have to build and manage the whole chain of value in order to provide support and opportunities to the Tourists from the beginning to the end of the trip.
This opens the door to create and seduce OUR Tourists to do International Routes manage by our local enterprises
This opens the door to create bubble trips with groups of Tourists which provide the power to seduce/force other members of the chain of value (Airlines, Cruises, Hotels, Rent a car…) to be more sustainable.
This also allow us to use transport companies with no empty seats.
This opens the door to help other sector of the economy, related to Tourist’s motivation,  in their internationalization ambitions
This opens the door to use new technologies (Augmented/Virtual Reality, Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain… the Metaverse!!!) in order to provide hybrid experiences.
Tourism cannot be sustainable? Open your mind! Learn Touristology!

Talking about Hybrid Experiences…Maybe the Metaverse will be far more interesting…maybe YOU will use the Metaverse and wear a VR headset if…
1) We bring the possibility to share experiences in Real-Time with YOUR family, friends, coworkers, members of your community travelling, while you are in a different place
2) Maybe YOU will love to use the Metaverse, if you can review the trips that you do, long time ago, with other people OR see Here/Now how other Tourists (and members of your community) had a transformative experience in THIS Tourism Destination/Enterprise
Both are good examples of the possibility that Metaverse brings of breaking Space/Time prison!
And of course…We can enjoy theses Hybrid Experiences Before, During and After the Trip!
Just remember, Touristologists!
A) The Metaverse is not a “Thing” is not a “Definition” ...
It is the process of manage, in a more efficient way, Space/Time. And We, as a Touristologists, are masters and commanders of the tools that Touristology provides in order to manage Space/Time: Servuction, Yield Management…
What are you doing TODAY with actual technology to try to break Space/Time prison?
How are you trying to share the transformative power of a trip HERE/NOW with members of a community AROUND_THE_WORLD/AT_ANY_TIME?
B) Technology don’t destroy enterprises! Technology update, change or just IGNORE old Business Models…So, only will destroy enterprises unable to adapt (Charles Darwin, remember?)
I will be here sharing Touristology’s principles, selling you as the best professionals on earth and developing with you our own pirate ship to sail Touristology’s seas!!!
Enjoy 2023, Touristologists!!!