I’m fed up with “experts_of_anything_but_Tourism” saying all day long…
- It is bad for a country to be specialized in Tourism! They have to diversify its economy!
Diversify from Tourism? It is much better if you open your mind!
Tourism is excellent for Tourism companies (specially, if they try to manage all the chain of value, of course!) BUT ALSO, Tourism creates synergies with any other sector of the economy with interest in internationalization AND related to Tourists’ motivation to Travel!
What better way of internationalizing any economy’s sector that seduce people around the world related to THIS sector?
Wine? Food? Seduce experts (and wannabes) sommeliers from around the world!
Architecture? Seduce experts (and wannabes) architects from around the world!
Games? Seduce players and Game Developers from around the world…
I could go on for a month, but I think I have made my point!
Maybe, we can go deeper and practice a little bit of Yield Management!
If we have a specialized community, one specific day, in our Tourism Enterprise / Destination we transform our place into a magnet for members of this community, member of the chain of value, competitors (that will become collaborators!), people/enterprises willing to sell, to hire, to do marketing research... to OUR community. We will become the “This Community” world congress!!!
All these opportunities that Tourism brings are not only for countries, also for enterprises!
The other day, a bunch of brilliant Touristologists (Christian Emunds, Nicolle Hernandez
Yarleque, Marta Martínez
Rodríguez, Isabel Molina
Muñoz, Lara-Sophie
Piroth, Leoni Strommenger) made an excellent presentation about how Netflix can diversify their revenues offering cruises for GROUPS of their own customers!
As usual, they enlightened me, the rest of the class, and students from other grades…providing examples of Specialized Segments related to this company.
I love helping to build the best minds for the best sector ever!
I love to see how they can apply Touristology’s principles to other sectors!
I love Touristology!!!