Nov 16, 2022

Diversify from Tourism? Open your mind! Learn Touristology!

 I’m fed up with “experts_of_anything_but_Tourism” saying all day long…
- It is bad for a country to be specialized in Tourism! They have to diversify its economy!
Diversify from Tourism? It is much better if you open your mind!
Tourism is excellent for Tourism companies (specially, if they try to manage all the chain of value, of course!) BUT ALSO, Tourism creates synergies with any other sector of the economy with interest in internationalization AND related to Tourists’ motivation to Travel!
What better way of internationalizing any economy’s sector that seduce people around the world related to THIS sector?
Wine? Food? Seduce experts (and wannabes) sommeliers from around the world!
Architecture? Seduce experts (and wannabes) architects from around the world!
Games? Seduce players and Game Developers from around the world…
I could go on for a month, but I think I have made my point!

Maybe, we can go deeper and practice a little bit of Yield Management!
If we have a specialized community, one specific day, in our Tourism Enterprise / Destination we transform our place into a magnet for members of this community, member of the chain of value, competitors (that will become collaborators!), people/enterprises willing to sell, to hire, to do marketing research... to OUR community. We will become the “This Community” world congress!!!
All these opportunities that Tourism brings are not only for countries, also for enterprises!
The other day, a bunch of brilliant Touristologists (
Christian Emunds, Nicolle Hernandez Yarleque, Marta Martínez Rodríguez, Isabel Molina Muñoz, Lara-Sophie Piroth, Leoni Strommenger) made an excellent presentation about how Netflix can diversify their revenues offering cruises for GROUPS of their own customers!
As usual, they enlightened me, the rest of the class, and students from other grades…providing examples of Specialized Segments related to this company. 

I love helping to build the best minds for the best sector ever!
I love to see how they can apply Touristology’s principles to other sectors!
I love Touristology!!!

Nov 10, 2022

Connecting the dots: Photogrammetry, Computer Vision...Touristology!

 You can enjoy watching the following videos, Touristologists!!!
JUMP is a very good example of an immersive experience!

Can you visualize how to combine it with members of  their community in the REAL scenario?
Welcome to Hybrid Experiences in the Metaverse!
Welcome to the possibility of breaking Space/Time prison
- BUT…Jordi! To reproduce this scene is very difficult! To seduce Tourists to do activities together is very difficult! To…
- STOP making excuses! Open your mind! Become a Touristologists!!!
Artificial Intelligence can help us to reproduce any scene with a lower cost and faster time!
Enjoy this video where Rene Schulte says the sentence of the year!
Generative #AI creating 3D models “like when photography came along right like painters were basically saying, oh they are cheating”

Enjoy this video to learn a little bit about NeRF!

You as a Touristologists (the best minds in the best sector ever) can create, communicate, and commercialize Hybrid Experiences for GROUPS inside Specialized Segments!
If not you.. Who?
If not now.. When?

Nov 1, 2022

Touristologists…Learn to code!!!

I began to be a Touristologists builder 30 years ago.
I have always loved to combine Touristology and New Technologies (two hands, remember?)  

I, strongly, believe that being able to code, help US to visualize in a much better way New Business Models for OUR beloved sector! 

It also allows you to implement these Business Models inside Operations and Processes of Tourism Destinations/Enterprises!

For instance, to know Touristology and be able to code allows you to avoid being one of the
people that make me tweet
“The same people/approach that said in 1996
- Let’s create a website and forget about the 'Brick and mortar'
In 2022 are saying
- Let’s create a/the #Metaverse forget about Real-Life.
#HybridExperiences then, now, always!!!”
By the way, in 2003 they said we need a “Second Life”!

In 1996, it was all about Internet. Websites connecting to Data Bases. Java as a programming language. Artificial Intelligence to transform information into knowledge…
In 2007, we had to add how to code Mobile Apps into our toolbox. Java for the Android Ecosystem, Swift for the iOS one! A little bit of Flutter trying to reuse the famous Java sentence “Write Once Run Anywhere”
In 2014, it was the beginning of Internet 3D, Augmented/Virtual Reality (the Metaverse): Games Engines (Godot, Fyrox, Bevy…). Rust as a programming language. Blockchain adding TRUST. Artificial Intelligence also transforming 2D images into 3D Scenes!
In 2022, the connection between Tourism and New Technologies is stronger than ever!

We have the possibility to break Space/Time prison offering Hybrid Experiences that Tourists and Inhabitants Here / Now can enjoy with members of their Community Around_The_World / At_Any_Time. 

We can enjoy theses Hybrid Experiences Before, During and After the Trip!

As Michael Black tweet few days ago…
“The #metaverse is not a video game. It’s a blurring of the boundary between our physical and digital selves. It’s about putting the real world into the digital and putting the digital into the real world.”
In the same tweet, He added…
“Capturing, understanding, and modeling humans, their interactions with each other and the world will not only unlock the metaverse. It will enable new forms of e-commerce, improve our health, support us as we age, & provide a foundation for disruptive and creative new businesses”
All began in 2014, when Mark Zuckerberg fell in love with Virtual Reality experiencing Tourism to a villa in Tuscany, Italy. Virtual Reality is important BUT you have to combine it!
In 2023 some users of Horizon Worlds will also use a web browser or Zoom
Welcome to #HybridExperiencies!
Touristology provide to US tools to manage Space/Time related to services where the Customer has an active participation in the creation of it (Servuction, Yield Management). 

Using OUR coding skills, we can create OUR own Metaverse’s platforms (instead of using other people’s ones!!!).
Using OUR Touristology’s skills, we can define, build and seduce OUR own Specialized Segments.
Time to be leaders and NOT followers!
Time to be Touristologists!!!