Oct 2, 2024

OverTourism? Traffic jams? …Lack of Touristology!!!

The other day,  I was reading an interesting article about how OverTourism (That as you , perfectly know, we Touristologistly prefer to call it lack of Touristology!!!) is very similar to traffic jams.
Well, in some aspects, we can agree with this interesting analogy. At the end of the day, both happens as a consequence of Servuction.
To create the service, to create the traffic jams…we need the Tourists/cars right here/ right now!
BUT… which is the main difference?

#Tourism is NOT something that just happens! 
Somebody seduces and bring the #Tourists HERE/NOW
We have to increase the percentage of Tourists which we manage ALL the trip!!!
We have to remember that Specialized Tourists are easier to seduce to appear WHEN and WHERE is more convenient to them, to you and to everybody!!!
Then, you can also create, communicate and commercialize International Routes.
Then, you can do the same with Hybrid Experiences looking for increasing the profitability and sustainability of your Tourism destination!!! 

It recalls me, when some people talk about Yield Management and they only think in managing the existing demand.
When we compare Yield Managers with surfers. We Touristologistly love to say “the most important differences between first class Yields Managers and Surfers is that the former can alter /transform/ influence the wavelength of the wave while surfers (like regular Yield Managers) just adapt to them.”
Not only that! They can also CREATE new waves!!!
Problems with too many Tourist at the same Place/Time?
Forget about traffic jams! Forget about waiting for waves!

Look for Touristologists able to create a manage new waves, able to discover new revenue streams, able to increase the profit!
They are wave managers!
They are Touristologists!!!

Sep 1, 2024

Tourism deserves to be a stimulating alternative for everybody!

This summer I have been reading, coding, talking with anybody getting its hands dirty on all the operations and processes of Tourism Destinations/Enterprises!
Of course, avoiding at all costs, the ones without experience in travel management, regrettably, talking about our beloved sector and, as always, only criticizing and never providing any solution!
You know me, I love to be a Teacher. To me, real Teachers bring real experiences to the class!
I love to learn new Business Models, new Technologies, new Methodologies. the new, new thing!
Then, I get practical experience doing consultancy or creating a new enterprise and I convey this Knowledge to My Touristologists!
Watching them improving his/her professional career, starting a new disruptive start-up, helping to change the way we define, enjoy and manage Tourism, makes me the happiest Touristologists builder in the world! 

I enjoyed reading an interesting article about “Tourism Leakage”. In this article appears an important sentence!
“those who decided the supply chain… decide the cast and what role they play.”
Remember, that we, Touristologistly love to say, that the creation and management of the chain of value is essential in order to get a profitable and sustainable Tourism Destination/Enterprises!
Don’t listen to the ones that only manage Tourists when they ALREADY are in its Tourism Destination. They are the same that always say that to manage Tourism is very difficult and never explain how to do it. Apart from reducing the promotion, increasing taxes and supply limitation, instead of proposing a stimulating alternative for everybody

Listen carefully to your own Touristology’s voice!
Choose Specialized segments with a motivation to travel strongly related to your values, the interest of the inhabitants and enterprises from other sectors, with desire to become international.
Get a DIRECT relationships with YOUR Tourists in your OWN platform, the one that manage all the chain of value!
Offer to them International Routes, Hybrid Experiences!
Anything related to their trip OR related to their trip motivation!
Create GROUPS and/or help them to help you creating their own groups (Pro_Am, remember?)
Then, you will be able to manage the waves of Tourists BECAUSE you create them!
Seduce them to appear in different places in different time! We are waves managers!
I love to be a Touristologists builder!!!
I love to see, in front of my eyes, students becoming the future of our beloved sector!!! 

Aug 13, 2024

Plenty of opportunities for Touristologists!!!

 The other day, I read this news about one interesting startup in our beloved sector!
“Hospitality company Oyo, once a beacon of India’s startup ecosystem, has seen its valuation drop from a peak of $10 billion in 2019 to $2.4 billion in its latest funding round.”

We talked about Oyo in OUR classes, seminars, in-company training or start-up meetings.

We always say what we will repeat today:
Oyo would be far more profitable if…
1)  It will focus on specialized segments (DigitalNomads, 3GFamily, MyPetMyFamily, Architects, FoodAndBeverage…) represented in an international community.
2) Offer to them anything related to the Trip AND anything related to Travel’s motivation

I mean, focus on value instead of low price!!!

Definitely, opportunities for my Touristologists!!!
Able to define and build the community of these specialized Segments
Able to build the chain of value from the beginning to the end of the trip
Able to provide solutions and find opportunities for the Tourists, local enterprises and inhabitants HERE/NOW and member of their international community around the world at any time!!!
BY THEY WAY… something that Artificial Intelligence (nowadays) is unable to visualize and do it!!!

Aug 1, 2024

Don’t be like them, Touristologists!!!

From time to time, in OUR classes, seminars, in-company training or start-up meetings in order to define (or redefine!) the Business Model and the Technology Scheme, appear these kind of humans…these enthusiasm killing machines that we talk about here!!! 
They don’t want to learn OUR framework. They just want to copy one example and use it all the time. They love to be a copyologists!!! They will put all the effort to show that OUR frameworks are not useful. They love to find examples of applying them with a not practical result. They love to find excuses! As a matter of fact, they love NOT to learn!!! I always say the same to them! You can disagree with OUR frameworks! At the end of the day, this is how the Science is done! BUT you can’t disagree/improve them if you don’t fully understand them! 
Please, stop looking for excuses…follow the knowledge path!  
When we have to create and manage a project group, they ask for doing the easy part and don’t learn/practice the rest of the project. They are crazy followers of building silos. WE love to break silos! To create and manage chains of value making them to work as a single organization!!!
Let me be crystal clear! To pretend to be a member of a project group and don’t work in all the project is a scam…To yourself, to the other members of the group and to all the people with studies about our beloved Science!!!
Is it so difficult to try to be an A+ player?
“As Steve Jobs always said “A small team of A+ players can run circles around a giant team of B and C players.”


Choose wisely, Touristologists! Choose to be a A+ player! Don’t allow these excuses finders to be a member of your project group, enterprise, start-up…
Try to be a PERFORMER!
OR a Doer
Not a less effective Doer
Not a PTS
And...definitely NOT a SP!!! 


We are opportunities finders! 

We are the best minds in the best sector ever!

Jul 1, 2024

Don't think about selling your product service! Think about serving and seducing your Tourists!!!

The other day, I shared with you this video about an airline company (Bark Air ) focused in a new segment, that WE, Touristologistly, describe/define as "My dog is a member of my family".



Clearly, it is not an example of Dr. Frankenstein's segmentation! They love to define themselves as..., feel proud of being a…, like meet with complementary/similar people and they love to get a customized Servuction in your enterprise OR in any member of the chain of value that you build FOR and BY your specialized community

- Do the members of this segment need a different Servuction?
Asked the usual copyologists strongly focused on not making any effort to learn about Servuction
Of course! As you can see in the video, appears plenty of examples of the interactions between Tourists, staff in contact and physical support.
1) Different actions of the dog and owner to create the service
2) Different behavior and actions of the staff in contact
3) And they use different physical support (tables, bed, tools, applications…) 

Can you improve the business model of this airline, Touristologists?
What about…Instead, of focus on selling your product/service, focus on provide anything that the Tourists need from the beginning to the end of the trip. Anything that the Tourists need related to their travel motivation (improve their relationship`with their pet, find a couple for them, a new training program for a specific skill, a solution for a specific illness...)
Just remember, the Tourists is in a new environment AND their partners, colleges, members of their community are around the world...a wonderful scenario to practice a little bit of Hybrid Experiences.
You can also use our beloved Technology: Blockchain, in order to be sure that you provide a customized Servuction (customized in Real-Time of course, Touristologists) in all the product/services of any member of the chain of value in a Trustful way!!! Customized Servuction that any Tourists can change/sell/transfer to another member keeping the personalization. We love Dinamyc NFT!!! 

If you build a community with this Segment, you can create a source of profit for your enterprise (S3, remember???). If you create (or #HelpYourTouristsToHelpYou creating their own  GROUPS) willing to appear in any member of the chain of value at the moment that they need the most… you will change for ever the definition and actions in Yield /Revenue Management !!! From a reactive Science/Art to a proactive ONE!!!
Nowadays, that some people prefer to use the Artificial Intelligence created and sold by other enterprises (increasing their technological dependency and giving up their privacy) doing what John Hagel describe as Scalable efficiency (automate what we’ve always done in order to eliminate jobs) what is not a transformation, it is just a caterpillar walking faster!
Touristologists! Follow #ScalableLearning allowing to free up your people of doing routine tasks and visualize opportunities to create more value. This opens the door of transformation! From a caterpillar to a butterfly!!!
Teach them how to look for new segments, how to build the chain of value, how to practice Servuction and Yield Management from the beginning to the end of the trip!
And, definitely, use your own AI for Privacy and greater customization!!! 

We love Servuction
We love Yield Management
We love to use New Technologies
(Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Augmented_Virtual Reality...)
We are Touristologists!!!

Jun 1, 2024

We can choose! Can you?

Visual Studio Code OR Neovim(vim/vi) / Generic OR Specialized? We don’t care! We can choose! Can you?
Forget about OR…choose AND!
Do you have the skills, the “whatever it takes” kind of attitude? OR… Do you prefer to find excuses?
Can you combine (lead a team) with different tools and business model? OR… Do you have to choose?
- Is this Neovim, Jordi? Why???
Well, you know me Touristologists! Nothing better that feeling you are in control!
You can do your processes without ever leaving the terminal and without ever having to take your hands off the keyboard!
It sounds very Touristologistly to me!!!
- That means, that you never use an IDE (Integrated Development Environment), Jordi?
I love to use IDEs! For instance, I’m experimenting with RustRover, XCode for the Apple’s ecosystem BUT I can choose (well, not in the golden cage!). In the same way, YOU can choose between Generic AND Specialized Tourism, because you have the skills, the contacts, to do both. This is freedom!
- IDEs? Text Editors? Is not OUR blog focus on Tourism?
Open your mind, Touristologists! You can translate “control…without ever leaving the terminal” to…
Managing the ENTIRE trip without ever leaving your Chain of Value Management System (CVMS) and offering customized Servuction to YOUR Tourists from the beginning to the end of the trip!
Of course, it is easier to install and use the latest IDE provided by a company that will “teach” you how to code!
Of course, it is easier to use a GENERIC search engine (OR Online Travel Agency OR Central Reservation System OR…) instead of building a specialized one able to provide anything that YOUR Tourists need before, during and after the trip. It is easier BUT… who gets the profit?
Can you manage/seduce WHEN and WHERE the Tourists appear in your enterprise/destination?
Can you create, communicate and commercialize Hybrid Experiences between Tourists, Inhabitants and local enterprises HERE/NOW using Augmented Reality, and members of their international community around the world at any time using Virtual Reality AND sharing their avatar in Real-Time?
Of course, it is easier to get Tourists from the latest Social Networking Site instead of creating your own one! BUT … Can you create and manage your GROUPS. OR you have to let them to decide in which way you contact with THEIR Tourists?
Of course, it is easier to use AI from other companies BUT… what about customization and privacy? Use your own #AI!!! Based on your own data and verified by the members of your community!
You can also use AI to improve your coding skills BUT be sure…
A) That you practice Touristology’s principles and coding ones…Otherwise, they will get rusty!! (No pun intended OR maybe yes…#Rust)
B) That you use YOUR AI!
Don’t listen to the creators of “Don’t learn to drive…#AI will do for you” nowadays, saying “Don’t learn to code… use our platforms.”
Touristologists! #Learn2Code!!!
It will help you to visualize new Business Model for our beloved sector! 
It will help you how to implement them into your operations and processes!!! 
We are Touristologists!!!
We do both, managing Tourism Enterprises/Destinations and coding!!!

May 1, 2024

Pay attention please, Touristologists!!!

Not for me…For yourself! To allow your mind to become the best mind in the best sector ever!
To pay homage to the Touristologists that are changing the way we define, manage and enjoy Tourism!
New Technologies  will help us to break Space/Time prison BUT, sadly, the same technologies allow break the path to knowledge to some students, apparently,  HERE/NOW … chatting and scrolling like headless chickens in the middle of OUR classes, seminars, in-company training or start-up meetings.
Don’t be afraid of Artificial Intelligence stolen your job!

It can’t!

IF you aim to creativity jobs, like building a chain of vale and a community for specialized segments!
You are a mental warrior, a problem solver, an opportunity finder…able to analyze a complex reality, connect the dots and propose the new, new thing/the new disruptive start-up for Tourism or for any other sector willing to use Touristology’s principles!
Be afraid of AI using algorithms for stealing your attention!!!
Be afraid of listening to anyone saying that you can’t learn a new programming language!
Be afraid of listening to yourself pleading to put off your effort to learn a new language!

Pay attention NOW!

Become a Touristologists as soon as possible!
As Leonardo da Vinci love to say… “The noblest pleasure is the joy of understanding”
Understanding new features provided by:
Artificial Intelligence
Augmented and Virtual Reality
Quantum Computing!!!
THEN, visualizing new Business Models!
THEN, implementing them in Operations and Processes of Tourism Destinations/Enterprises!