Oct 2, 2024

OverTourism? Traffic jams? …Lack of Touristology!!!

The other day,  I was reading an interesting article about how OverTourism (That as you , perfectly know, we Touristologistly prefer to call it lack of Touristology!!!) is very similar to traffic jams.
Well, in some aspects, we can agree with this interesting analogy. At the end of the day, both happens as a consequence of Servuction.
To create the service, to create the traffic jams…we need the Tourists/cars right here/ right now!
BUT… which is the main difference?

#Tourism is NOT something that just happens! 
Somebody seduces and bring the #Tourists HERE/NOW
We have to increase the percentage of Tourists which we manage ALL the trip!!!
We have to remember that Specialized Tourists are easier to seduce to appear WHEN and WHERE is more convenient to them, to you and to everybody!!!
Then, you can also create, communicate and commercialize International Routes.
Then, you can do the same with Hybrid Experiences looking for increasing the profitability and sustainability of your Tourism destination!!! 

It recalls me, when some people talk about Yield Management and they only think in managing the existing demand.
When we compare Yield Managers with surfers. We Touristologistly love to say “the most important differences between first class Yields Managers and Surfers is that the former can alter /transform/ influence the wavelength of the wave while surfers (like regular Yield Managers) just adapt to them.”
Not only that! They can also CREATE new waves!!!
Problems with too many Tourist at the same Place/Time?
Forget about traffic jams! Forget about waiting for waves!

Look for Touristologists able to create a manage new waves, able to discover new revenue streams, able to increase the profit!
They are wave managers!
They are Touristologists!!!