I did my PhD 23 years ago, trying to mix Artificial Intelligence with our beloved sector!
I love to understand Mathematics that allow me visualize the power of Neural Networks.
I loved to learn Java (then, Python in PyTorch and TensorFlow…Now Rust using Burn to create my own software trained with my own data.
Nowadays, that AI provide exceptional features BUT it is still far away from Artificial general intelligence (AGI), it is a pity, to see countries that want to be leaders in Tourism, to only focus on using other people software trained with other people data. This makes me Tweet
We can improve AI’s algorithms!
We can improve Servuction and Yield Management’s processes adding customization in Real-Time thanks to the scalability that AI provides.
We have to teach OUR Touristologists, OUR Tourism companies to create their own software using their own data extracted from their own operations and processes inside the chain of value of all the enterprises that OUR Tourists use from the beginning to the end of the trip!
We have to create synergies with other Sciences to improve AI’s algorithms!
We can, definitely, be leaders applying AI in Tourism!!!
By the way...
Blockchain (providing Trustfulness and privacy)
Artificial Intelligence (providing Scalability)
Augmented_Virtual Reality (Allowing to break Space/Time prison)