Oct 10, 2022

Making the most of The Metaverse in Tourism!

Nowadays, there is a tendency in Tourism Destinations highlighting the importance of being “there”.
You can enjoy this video from Visit Sweden


They have created a storytelling experience only available there. A geo-restricted transformational journey… in times of the Metaverse that will be created to overcome Space/Time prison!
It seems as they are afraid of (or against) the Metaverse. They visualize the Metaverse as Virtual Reality… a different new world, and they have nightmares of Tourists not travelling to their wonderful Tourism Destination/Enterprise.
It recalls me, when I was in Peru and they were afraid that USA create a thematic park representing the Machu Pichu. I say to you the same that I said to them. A thematic park representing the Machu Pichu is an excellent promotion!

In the same way, to create YOUR Metaverse platform representing your Tourism Destination/Enterprise can be an excellent way of promotion! BUT… not only that! The Metaverse can also make possible hybrid experiences between Tourists, inhabitants, and local enterprises HERE/NOW and members of their community AROUND_THE_WORLD/AT_ANY_TIME which is a source of new revenues stream and also an increase of the sustainability of your Tourism Destination/Enterprise.
It is also a pity that…

1) They don’t practice a little bit of #Segmentation (Future writers, 3G Family, Environmentalists…) and get, as extra benefits, Groups Creation and the possibility to create, communicate and commercialize International Routes.
2) They don’t allow to share a transformative experience NOW with the one enjoyed by a Tourist that was there in the past.
Again, breaking Space/Time prison is the name of the game!!!
By the way, in order to add TRUST. To be sure about the real identity of the Avatar/Hologram with whom you are sharing the experience…Blockchain to the rescue! 


OR a Hybrid Experience NOW for people in different Space, like a wedding 


“…the couple was physically present at a real-world hotel venue along with some guests, their digital avatars were also present within The Sandbox metaverse and could be seen by guests who joined remotely. The event was officiated by The Sandbox co-founder and chief operations officer Sebastien Borget in a digital avatar form.”
There is plenty of room for improving 3D scenes using #AI in Real Time
BUT… It is another good example of breaking Space/Time prison!!! 

Maybe, in order to overcome their fears and visualize the new Business Models of the Metaverse they need advice from the best minds in the best sector ever!
Just remember, Touristologists!
The Metaverse is not a “Thing” is not a “Definition” ...
It is the process of manage, in a more efficient way, Space/Time. And We, as a Touristologists, are masters and commanders of the tools that Touristology provides in order to manage Space/Time: Servuction, Yield Management
What are you doing TODAY with actual technology to try to break Space/Time prison?
How are you trying to share the transformative power of a trip HERE/NOW with members of a community AROUND_THE_WORLD/AT_ANY_TIME?