Tourists as sensors in movement!!!
The most intelligent sensor on earth willing to provide a service to THEIR community while earn a living through micropayments in Non Fungible Tokens format!
Getting Customized /Syndicated and Pro-amized 3 C’s After, during and Before the TRIP.
Getting solutions to potential problems, enjoying the magic of Service Recovery , seeing the benefits of Travel as one of the best way of Transforming their life both, in Personal and Professional level.
Sending customized /syndicated and Pro-amized 3 C’s to any member of THEIR community!!! To Local, professional enterprises... To relatives, colleagues!!! Sharing travel experiences, sharing opportunities to improve the professional/personal life of their relatives and members of their community.
3C’s? People go to Internet to get/send Content, Commerce and Community as John Hagel explained long time ago. By the way, John Hagel also explained the power of building Communities in Internet!
Is it possible to transform Tourists in sensors? Yes! You can build digital twins of the Tourists (or Tourists shadows) like Tesla or Apple are doing with their products
Will Tourists find “This” interesting? Well, it depends... if they control THEIR data and they can decide WHO, WHAT DATA and WHEN can see it.
If they can get more security before, during and after the trip. If they can help the members of their community AND ALSO get a profit...
Definitely, it is possible to transform Tourists in sensors!
Then, you can know the STATE of the Tourists and the STATE of the International Specialized Community that they are members.
You can paraphrase STATE in Touristology’s terms as the Location/Proximity of the Tourists and members of their community.
The STATE also means the Versions of ME (you can get more information here or here). Everyone needs different 3C’s depending on their mood. Everyone needs different 3C’s depending on who is next to him/her right here/right now!
At the end of the day, tools like Kafka Streams (or any Streaming Processing Software) can...
1) Ingest and process the high-volume data provide for Tourists’ shadows.
2) Capture the STATE of the Tourists using State Stores.
3) Expose this STATE using PUSH and PULL queries.
Do you want to learn more about stream processing? Enjoy the videos of confluent the creators of Kafka Streams!
Do you prefer to read?
So, Tourists can become sensors in movement.
Sensors that can get help, solutions to any potential problem that can happen before, during or after the trip!
Sensors that can be aware of transforming opportunities to improve their personal or professional life before, during or after a trip.
Tourists that can provide and share valuable 3C’s for the members of their international and specialized community. Making the most of the three technologies mixed in heaven that we talked about here...
Using Artificial Intelligence in order to provide Scalability getting and sending customized, syndicated and pro-amized 3 C’s at any place in real time.
Using Augmented and Virtual Reality in order to provide ubiquity seeing here (a physical space, a video conference, a game...) 3C’s customized, syndicated and pro-amized.
Using Blockchain in order to...
A) Trust the voices, images... sent to them.
B) Privacy. Having all control about when get or send information. Having all control about what information is shared in any transaction.
C) Profitability. Getting and sending micropayment in Non Fungible Tokens format!
We talked about Micropayments in Non Fungible Tokens format here. The big difference between Fungible and Non Fungible is based on the capacity to use code in order to customize the TOKEN... the thing... we want to share.
I mean, each Tourists or member of the international specialized community could have a customized TOKEN based on:
A) The desires that they have.
For instance, this Tourist /member of the community right here, right now wants this specific set of things. Thanks to SYNDICATION it doesn’t matter that they are owned by different members of the chain of value.
B) The acquired rights that they have
This Tourists /member of the community has the right to get these things. He/She has the credentials (a grade, an authorization...) that prove that. Thanks to BLOCKCHAIN we can trust that this is true. Again, thanks to SYNDICATION it doesn’t matter that they are owned by different members of the chain of value. We can use a little bit of PRO_AM here. If the Tourists /member of the community has built a group then, the value of the TOKEN will increase.
Do you see? Micropayments highly configurable based on the desires that they have right here / right now AND the acquired rights that they have, can provide Trust, privacy and profitability!
I love mixing together Tourism and Web-Engineering!
I love helping to build the best minds in the best sector ever!
Touristologists changing the way the world enjoys, manage and define Tourism!!!