I love to be a Teacher! I have been a Touristologists builder for the last 30 years!
I love to learn new Business Models, new Technologies, new Methodologies. the new, new thing!
Then, I get practical experience doing consultancy or creating a new enterprise and I convey this Knowledge to My Touristologists!
Watching them improving his/her professional career, starting a new disruptive start-up, helping to change the way we define, enjoy and manage Tourism, makes me the happiest Touristologists builder in the world!
To me, real Teachers bring real experience to the class! For that reason, I love to combine my vocation as a Teacher with being a consultant and an entrepreneur. Doing these two activities I have learnt a lot about Product Management.
First, as a Product Manager for an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) for the Apple Ecosystem.
Then (and today!), collaborating with the public and private sector designing business model and operations and processes for new start-ups in our beloved sector!
Then, as a Product Manager in Deloitte. Memories and friends forever!
Then, building a PMS (Property Management System) for the lodging industry in the cloud. Defining the Segments (Do you remember this Study Case Touristologists?) Defining the Chain of Values. Defining and finding the people inside the organization. Defining the operations and processes and developing and integrating the Technology to implement the Business Model for this luxury apartments working as an Apart-Hotel. I remember the goal “When the last bricklayer leaves the building, we have to see the first Tourist going inside!” I still keep the first on-line reservation!!!
I also enjoy mentoring People, Start-ups and Enterprises! Visualizing new Business Models, new Segments, new Opportunities!!!
The previous weeks, I have been talking with experts in “Agile”, I also reviewed some books about this methodology (or as they/I prefer to call it... MINDSET). I realize that my experience in the jungle of real business make my absolutely agree with the four principles of Agile:
1) Individuals and interactions over processes and tools.
Do you want to use Java, Kotlin or Flutter? Objective-C or Swift? Python or.... I don’t care, give me a good team willing to share his/her knowledge and build new one and the project will have a better estimation of success!!!
2) Working software over comprehensive documentation.
Show the code working in a good interface and the documentation will be written in the brain of the users!
3) Customer collaboration over contract negotiation.
Specially, when you want to build the new, new thing! When, through iterations, you will learn more and more!
4) Responding to change over following a plan.
Changes in the mind of your users, in their perception of OUR Business Model, in the amount of time they spend using OUR software, in the business opportunities that appear during the processes!!!
Changes in the mind of your collaborators, trying to control the chain of value...
Changes in the strategies of your competitors OR when a new one appears offering something similar and cheaper!
Changes in the mind of your suppliers...
Changes in the mind of your investors...
Time to adapt... Time to Survive!!!
Of course, in Touristology and in OUR classes we apply these principles... adding some of our beloved FRAMEWORKS! Do you remember them?
I’m sure you do!
Furthermore, remember Agile methodology is all about improving communication between all the stakeholders of the project. You have to know what is possible to ask! You have to know what the pros and cons of new technologies are (Augmented Reality, Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain....)! You have to know how to ask for any feature!
You have to prove that you are the best mind in the best sector ever!
Enjoy summer! Enjoy practicing, living, making TOURISTOLOGY great!