Are Serverless functions interesting? Of course! BUT... is it a big change... the new, new, thing a disruptive technology?
To me, the big change is to be able to trigger these functions when a Real-Time event is going on! Right Here / Right Now!
Let’s put a couple of examples in our beloved sector, shall we?
YOUR Tourist is travelling...
1) He/She wants a solution to any problem DURING the trip, both IN the Trip or AT home (where are colleagues, relatives and friends), Right Here / Right Now!
2) He/She wants to know any opportunity to make the most of the transformative power of a trip,
to meet someone special, to do a customized activity. Not enough Tourists to do this activity? Let’s help them to create a group inside OUR community!
BUT... Jordi, meet someone? How do you know if it’s safe?
We will need to know, in real-time, if we can talk or meet with someone. We need to have access to a virtual meeting if it is necessary (thanks to VR and AR). We need to know if we can trust on this information and (very important), we have to guaranty the privacy of this data.
Trustful information with privacy? It seems that we are talking about Blockchain!
In a near future, some people will be able to travel as usual (the ones that will developed an immunodeficiency to the most relevant illness) but others maybe they have to be at home... is it possible to organize mix meetings using the power of VR and AR?
Enjoy the video to visualize some ideas!
We have to be able to get this wave of events from different sources, enrich, combine, transform, filter, validate...them and use this knowledge in order to manage the waves of Tourists we will seduce to visit our Tourism Destination or Enterprise!
In this post, We describe ourselves as Waves Managers.
We talked about wave management. We compared Yield/Revenue Managers with surfers.
The difference? Surfers adapt to waves. We can also manage AND create them!
We can follow the waves In a Macro-level: How many Tourists making a reservation NOW for this specific day? AND In a Micro-level seducing customers to go to a specific attraction /Activity at the best moment to THEM and to US.
We also can create new waves for different segments The old Yield/Revenue Management idea of a single demand curve is over. We have to generate demand/s with new segments. We have to compensate current demand with the new ones. We have to increase profits.
We have to reinvent Yield/Revenue Management!
We have to focus on CURRENT demand BUT ALSO on generating new demand from NEW segments. Segments with different patterns that you can seduce in different ways in order that they appear in your Hotel/Tourism enterprise when is more convenient to you.
Furthermore, you can compensate high demand of one of the segments with low demand of the others AND THE OTHER WAY AROUND. So, compensate low demand of one of the segments with high demand of the others.
We are wave managers!
It seems obvious, in order to provide these services Right Here / Right Now in a customized and syndicated way we need to use the most suitable technology together with the right business model.
We need to embrace the World Wide Wave of real time data and events. We need to embrace Streams processing!
Interesting time for mixing new Technologies and Tourism! Interesting times for Touristologists!!!