Jul 13, 2018

Improving Medical Tourism applying Touristology’s principles!!!

The other day, I was reading an interesting article related with Medical Tourism and some start-ups focused on it.
Usually, Tourists are looking for a better quality-price balance, to have a pleasant and fast recovery and to return as nothing it had happened.
I found very interesting this video about one of these new new enterprises:

Can you try to improve it using Touristology’s principles?
Do you think that you can create a more profitable business if you add to YOUR Platform /Social Networking Site / Online Travel Agency...  students from universities around the world willing to learn with an international vision AND professionals willing to do a little bit of international networking?
What about going deeper in the segmentation process? Is this  specialized Tourism? Of course! Can you go deeper? Can you focus on people that have these necessities and then offer a solution to their necessities better satisfied during a trip? Why do you want to make an operation in your knee? For sport reasons? For running with your son/daughter? To feel forever young? For ….
Do you think that Blokchain can be useful in this scenario?
Can Blockchain provide… A shared and trusted identity (Credentials of the professionals, quality of the materials…). Smart contracts linking together actions and consequences. Secure payments…
Can you use a little bit of Deep Learning to connect practitioners and customers? To connect the best procedure or material with a customer? To analyze better and faster a radiography?...
Can you use a little bit of Augmented Reality? To show to the customer the final result? To provide a better training for both University students and Professionals?...
Come on Touristologists use YOUR frameworks! Otherwise, they will get rusty!!!!
Enjoy your holydays!
Just remember WE don’t take holidays, WE just travel around and abroad in order to know other markets, make international contacts, plan future business…