In my professional life, I always end up making the most of integrating/mixing what most people see as a different concepts/Ideas/sciences!
At the end of the day, it what was defined as a Consilience long time ago!!!
This passion to use AND versus OR help me to visualize and implement improvements in Operations and Processes of Tourism Enterprises/Destinations (or any other sector related to #Servuction!!!). The great philosopher Ferrater I Mora goes deeper in this idea saying “extremes are not for situating yourself they are for knowing your situation”
I remember in 1996, working in my doctoral thesis trying to mix (again!) the flavor of the month (Internet) with our beloved sector! To me, it was crystal clear that to understand… to be sure that new business models were possible you have to learn how to code!
I always try to convey this necessity in the minds/hearts/guts of the future of Touristology (Two minds, remember???) I, strongly, believe that to have coding skills also helps you to explain… to seduce developers to work in OUR project! I love to use Drawing Hands by Escher as a reminder of this idea.
In the first wave of Internet some people said that you had to choose: to create a Brick-and-mortar enterprise OR an On-line one.
My vision?…Forget about the OR… focus on mixing and get the best of the two worlds to provide the best Servuction to your customers!
Now, that we are in the third wave of Internet, something similar happens… the #Metaverse is a parallel universe or a way to improve and create NEW business models? Yesterday, today…always: Can be both!
You have to use other people’s platforms OR you have to build your own ones? Well, you can do both! BUT if you only use other people’s platforms (usually, they are generic AND, definitely THEY will control WHAT and HOW you can engage with ITS customers) you will get a low profit and, for that reason, you will need a lot of #Tourists and this become a problem like gentrification, locals not happy with the #Tourism sector…
The same happens with Artificial Intelligence! You can use another people models BUT be sure, that you know how to build you own models, with your own data and verified by your own people. Then, you will have an excellent way to improve the transformation power of a trip for your Tourists!!! Of course, with privacy (I have already mentioned that customization without privacy is a nightmare?)
When some experts talk about Tourism (even though they don’t know how to manage a trip… for that reason, I think that they prefer to manage the territory, the Tourism Destination and NOT all the trip) and say that we have to diversify from Tourism…
I always say, “Tourism creates synergies with any other sector of the economy with interest in internationalization AND related to Tourists’ motivation to Travel!”
I love mixing together Touristology AND new Technologies!
I love mixing together the real world AND the Metaverse!
I love to create synergies with different sectors of your economy!
I love to build the best minds in the best Science ever!!!