Yes, yes… I know that we believe that there is only one web, as we talked about here…
“Web 1.0, 2.0, 3.0… (you name it!) are not an evolution of the web BUT an evolution of our use and understanding of it!”
But, let me use this terminology and try to relate it to cloud computing and OUR Touristology’s principles!
The other day, I was reading an interesting report. They recommend “you should focus on personalizing the guest experience because if you don’t, your competitors will…data silos as the top challenge facing IT teams in creating a single view of the customer”
Remember SYNDICATION and the tools it provides Touristologists!!!
In order to break silos connecting all the members of the chain of value from the beginning to the end of the trip...
We can use WebScraping to get and send the 3C’s (Content, Commerce and Community) in all the Websites, Mobiles Apps, Metaverse Platforms… of the enterprises members of the chain of value.
We can use WebServices to get and send the 3C’s in all the Data Bases of the enterprises members of the chain of value.
We can use Blockchain to do the same, because all of them are using the same “Data Base”.
We can use Events /Streams processing in order to get and send these 3C’s in Real-Time!
At the beginning of cloud computing, AWS was the first offering this kind of services. At that time, we use a portal like Liferay in order to put in a single site all the relevant information related to your Tourists and members of the chain of value. In this post, I highlight the excellent project of a wonderful set of Touristologists!
Liferay was great! But it is an example of monolithic architecture and nowadays, we prefer to talk about microservices.
We can use, Spin (using RUST/WASM)
You can enjoy this video where Matt Butcher CEO of Fermyon talks about the evolution of Cloud Computing, highlighting “instant startup times” thanks to WASM.
If you, as myself, like to get your hands dirty with code you also can enjoy this video by Rainer Stropek, Touristologists!!!
We can use Holochain. We talked about Holochain here and here... they define themselves as “An end-to-end open source P2P app framework”.
Jordi! Why do you mention Holochain in a post related to cloud computing?
Well, they are a kind of Blockchain BUT they highlight a clear business model: “Holochain technology works by allowing people to turn their computers into hosting stations. Instead of using one big web hosting service, Holochain taps into thousands of smaller ones. In this sense, it is essentially doing to cloud computing what Airbnb did to hotels. Airbnb eliminated the need to stay at a large hotel by tapping into individual homeowners. It gave homeowners the ability to rent out their extra space. Holochain does the same thing by letting people turn their computers into hosting stations.”
If they plan to build a distributed cloud computing service, the WASM’s feature of “instant startup times” sounds interesting to me!
Do you see Touristologists? I began talking about Cloud Computing BUT I finish…
1) Talking about how to use it in our beloved sector following one of our favorite Touristology’s principles: Build and Manage all the chain of value!
2) Talking about how Cloud computing can copy a Business Model from a Tourism Enterprise!
We love mixing together Touristology and New Technologies!
We love to apply Touristology’s principles to any sector related to Servuction: Health, Education, Games…
We love to help any sector of the economy with the synergies that our beloved sector can generate!
We are Touristologists!!!