Circular Economy is the new, new thing! You can also apply it to Tourism, of course! BUT…In order to be successful in its implementation we have to remember a few Touristology’s principles!
1) We have to manage the whole trip of OUR Tourists, instead of waiting that, other enterprises bring THEIR Tourists.
2) We have to focus on specialized Segments inside of which we (or a member of this segment, PRO-AM remember?) can create GROUPS.
If you get GROUPS willing to travel together or to share hybrid experiences mixing People in the Tourism Destination (Tourists, Locals) AND People (members of their community, co-workers, relatives…) in the country of origin or any place around the globe, all of them can enjoy the transformation power of travel in different devices or inside a game.
THEN, you can select the typology of transport, to lead / influence over the management of sharing, leasing, reusing, repairing, refurbishing and recycling existing materials and products, the selection of sources of energy…
THEN, you can seduce YOUR Tourists to go to new places making something interesting for this specialized Segment in THIS specific place, seducing International members of its community and delivering specific activities to them. This meeting will be like a magnet for members of the community, providers of services related to their motivation, enterprises willing to hire them or do marketing research… We can create the “Mobile World Congress” of this community. Just change the word “Mobile” for the name of the Segment!
As Brian Chesky CEO of AirBnB say few days ago in an Interview “From sightseeing to people seen!” Highlighting, the importance of Human interactions over beautiful views or wonderful heritage.
This is the power of GROUPS. This is the power of Circular Economy in Tourism!
It could find ways to bring prosperity, jobs, people… life! In places with low economic development.
It could help enterprises NOT related to travel BUT related to the motivation of International Specialized segments to find new streams of revenues, to improve their exportations.
Do you want to learn how to define these specialized Segments?
Do you want to learn how to seduce them to visit the most needed places?
Do you want to learn how to create Hybrid Experiences and seduce them to participate here or in any place of the world?
Do you want to learn how to open new streams of revenues for your Tourism Destination?
I will be here, waiting for you!