These weeks I have been working with very interesting projects, a proposal of Tourism consulting, a new, new, new... startup, the creation of new Master and Postgraduates studies...
I love Touristology’s projects. I love to work with people that you can trust, respect and admire!
In all these projects I try to remind to myself and everybody three ideas strongly connected with Touristology’s principles.
The necessity to build and manage the chain of value.
The necessity of first focus on specialized Tourism and then in Generic one.
The necessity of using Tourism as a profit generator for other economic sectors in your country (Technology, Games, Culture, Commerce....).
Would you like to go deeper in these principles? I love to go deeper!
It is not possible to provide Security to the Tourists and high Profit for your project if you are unable to build and manage the value chain. I mean, the set of companies and organizations that the Tourist uses from the beginning to the end of the trip.
You can solve any problem that the Tourist has to deal with.
You can provide opportunities to improve her/his professional or personal life.
If we seduce OUR Tourists to use OUR technological platforms instead of other people’s platforms that gain benefits and do not have the inconvenience of all the Tourists at the same place in the same moment (some people call it OverTourism. You also can call it... LackOfTouristology!!!)
How is it possible that in XXI century people still focus on manage the Tourists only when they are in the Tourism Destination or in their enterprise?
2) The necessity of first focus on Specialized Tourism and then in Generic one.
We have to define Specialized Segments. Show to them how to improve their professional or personal life through a trip. Allow them to book any service that they need through YOUR technological platforms. Then, you can complement this Specialized Tourism with the Generic one!
How is it possible that in XXI century people still believe that first you have to promote Generic Tourism and then you can complement it with Specialized one?
3) The necessity of using Tourism as a profit generator for other economic sectors in your country (Technology, Games, Culture, Commerce....)
If you select OUR Specialized Tourists, we can offer to them other services and products NOT related to the travel but highly related to their necessities which will enhance synergies with other sectors of the economy.
How is it possible that in XXI century people still believe that we have to choose between Tourism and other sectors?
If we build and manage the chain of value. If we first focus on Specialized Tourism and then in Generic one. Tourism will become a profit generator for other sectors!