To guaranty safety and profitability you need to create GROUPS. You have to seduce these GROUPS with anything related to any trip AND their motivations to travel. Can you create and manage GROUPS in other people’s Platforms?
I know... I know... summertime... hot weather... BUT
We are living complicated times! It is NOT time to just complain, to look for excuses, to look for shortcuts!
We have to make things happens!
1) We know how to define and seduce specialized segments.
2) We know how to help them to better achieve their goals through a trip.
3) We know how to define and build chains of value providing support from the beginning to the end of the trip.
4) We know how to provide services (Servuction) inside these chains of value.
Tourism is NOT something that just happens. It is something you build and manage!
It’s time for action. It is time to focus on results. To change the way we enjoy, define and manage our beloved sector!