You can always apply Touristology’s principles. They are always good under any circumstance. Otherwise, we wouldn’t call it a Science!
Touristology knows how motivate Tourists to travel. It is always looking for providing improvements in Tourists’ quality of life: International contacts, broader perspectives, overcoming illnesses, improving work or family relationships... thanks to the transformation power that travel brings to human beings.
It is always looking for to take care of culture and create richness and employment for the tourist destination.
These objectives force to study, analyze, manage Tourism enterprises and Destinations taking into consideration the following ideas...
1) Tourists’ segmentation must be carried out taking as the main variable the transformation power and improvement of the Tourist through a trip. Forget about country of origin! Build your own community of International Specialized Tourists!
2) Tourism enterprises and destinations must visualize, manage the ENTIRE value chain as a way to increase its competitivity. Not only your company (Hotel, Travel Agency, Airline ....) You must coordinate and manage with different competitive Business Models, all the companies / organizations that the Tourist must use from the beginning to the end of the trip . This is what AirBnB calls the “End to End Travel Platform”
Booking and Expedia “The Connected Trip”
and in OUR seminars, in-company training or start-up meetings... Chain of Value Management!!!
So, we must provide support to the Tourists from the beginning to the end of the trip. Recommending and helping the Tourists to do activities in the Tourism Destination that will help her/his transformation. We can also provide notifications about what is going on in the country of origin of the Tourist.
Maybe, you are willing to enjoy a few examples...
I know that the Tourist is HERE I know that He/She is looking for a gift for his/her son... WE send a notification providing this information.
We know the Tourist’s location, with his/her permission, of course! Just remember...Customization without privacy is a nightmare! We can use GPS or better a beacon OR even better an Augmented Reality App with not only provide the location of the Tourist ALSO what He/She is looking at, with who is travelling now and what is his/her mood at this moment... Knowing Tourist’s context is the big driver of processes improvement!!!
Are you ready for more examples?
I know that the Tourist is HERE I know that He/She is looking for a temporary job (a few hours of consultancy) WE send a notification saying that a near enterprise has this vacancy.
OR I know that the Tourists is HERE I know that He/She needs an advice from a mobile developer. We send a notification from a local expert.
Do you see? Thanks to a trip you can improve your life. You can even earn money! Specially, important in moments of economic problems!
Some people say... “No money no Travel!” What about to Travel and Earn money? What about we create networking activities where we put together locals and Tourists to do commercial exchanges.
Do you want to sell wine? I have some contacts in my country of origin!
Do you want to set up a restaurant in your country of origin? We can introduce you some experts, some service providers, some...
Do you want to know how to build a Hotel from Architects point of view? We can prepare some meetings (Physical and/or virtual)...
Do you want to learn how to manage a Hotel.. A travel Agency...a transport company... We can set up meetings with managers, we can provide blended education with several Universities...
Tourists of the World! Travel earn money and be ready for the future!!!
Touristologists of the World! Help them to help YOU!!!
Forget about INDIVIDUAL Tourist! Forget about Hyper-Segmentation. You define a Segment of similar people with similar interest from any place in the world, right? Help them to create groups! Help them to create, communicate and commercialize their own packages in YOUR own platform!
This is the power of Deeper Segmentation! This is the power of using your OWN platform!!!
In Touristology thanks to Servuction (Thanks Mr. Eigler!) we know that we need the Tourist in order to create the service... ONLY if we have a Tourist here, we can create physical experiences BUT we can also create digital ones mixing people here (Tourists), Locals AND people related with the Tourist that want to share the experience. This kind of activities thanks to the power of virtual Reality and Augmented Reality can provide a solution to "many Tourists at the same time /place" AND also can provide another layer of profits for Tourism destination. YES! But only if the Tourist, the Locals and the people in the country of origin are using OUR OWN PLATFORM! Do you remember the ideas of Platform economy, right?
So, yesterday, today… ALWAYS!!! Don’t try to seduce EVERYBODY. Create your Tourism enterprises and YOUR OWN Platforms to seduce specialized Tourists. To them create International routes! Is it important that they visit your Tourism destination? Of course! But is far more important that you manage the trip of YOUR Tourists!
In this way, you will reduce the dark side of the Tourism (all Tourists at the same time in the same place...) and you will increase the blessings of Tourism: More profit for your Tourism Enterprises! Higher salaries for YOUR Touristologists! Higher revenues for local public services!
I love Tourism! I love Touristology! I love Touristologists!!!