The other day, I was reviewing some articles and study cases in a seminar.
You know my motto! You don’t have to study for the final test... you have to practice the beloved principles of the best science ever... Touristology!
You know my methodology and my obsession on building COMPETENCES!
I shared this interesting article
As you see in this article, in order to seduce Tourists to make a reservation for THIS flight at THIS moment they use the usual trick. I mean, mark down the price.
I challenged my Touristologists!!!
Can you provide some examples about how to seduce Tourists using To Whom, What with, Where and When?
I provide examples to My Touristologists... they provide examples back to me! I love Touristology’s games!
Do you want to seduce a Segment to make a reservation for a specific flight at a specific moment (when the booking pace is at a low level)?
What about to think what is going on at the place where the flight is going? What about (for example) is there a new premiere of a horror movie?
Let’s provide some answers to OUR favorite questions!
To Whom? Tourists fans of horror movies, tourists willing to write a book about it or create a film or a series, producers/enterprises willing to learn about this community, to hire some of its members, to do a marketing research...
What With? What about go there and enjoy the movie? What about some networking activities? What about BEFORE, DURING and AFTER the flight create some customized activities? What about to create an international route linking together this Segment with different activities in different places around the world!
But Jordi... I only want to sell seats!
Ummm... Listen to Your Touristology’s voice!!!
Ummm... Listen to Your Touristology’s voice!!!
“Let’s clarify this once and for all… Your business is NOT selling seats, rooms or... Your business is to satisfy your customer, providing what they need, when they need it, in the way they need it!”
Ok! Let’s continue with the rest of questions that Yield/Revenue Management provide to us!
When? Interesting question! The best moment to show this service and send the information about it should be when our Segment is on the mood to buy the service or make the reservation, for example it could be perfect time when the customer is surfing inside a Social Networking Site about this topic. What about to seduce the Tourist to create a group inside this SnS? A perfect example of Pro-Am! A perfect example of a Win2Win situation!
Where? What about to have a widget in the same SnS where the user can make a reservation directly to the Airline company!
Of course, all these examples will be easier with NDC technology. Do you want to learn about it? Let’s see this enlightening video...
In a nutshell...
1) NDC allows the supplier to know who is buying. Then, they can customize the service with up-selling and cross-selling offerings.
2) NDC allows the intermediary to get access to up-selling and cross-selling services and offer them to the Tourist.
Is there somebody willing to provide MORE examples?
Could you provide more examples of seducing new segments?
Could you provide examples of seducing regular Tourists?
I Love to practice intellectual dancing with My Touristologists!!!