In the last days have appeared some articles … talking about Religious Tourism. There, I highlight two very important ideas in order that your Tourism destination/enterprise become successful in this kind of Tourism.
You can also apply those ideas in any kind of tourism. Touristology is a science so, principles are always valid!
In this post, I want to go deeper in those ideas. If you have any doubt… You know where to find me!
Religious tourism is very important. We have to remember that 300 million Tourists enjoy it, even though, for some of them religion is not the main motivation of the trip, we still have a very import figure! We only have to remember that the total number of Tourists in the entire world is 1.300 million. If you want to visualize this, you can imagine ALL the inhabitants of China moving around the world!!!
First idea: Create your own platform. I can describe this idea in many ways. Build your own chain of value, define your own digital ecosystem… BUT the important thing is…In order to be successful in Tourism you have to create a direct relationship with your customers.
In XXI century it is not enough to create religious packages and try to seduce tourists from other enterprises. That is what I mean when I said in these article “We need to be able to generate online religious tourism platforms equivalent to Airbnb” We need to seduce Tourists from around the world and send them around the world. Can you seduce your Tourists to go to your Tourism
destination? Of course! Specially, in the space/time that is more
convenient for YOUR inhabitants and YOUR Tourism enterprises.
Just remember, in order to be successful your business must be GLOBAL. Does AirBnB only sell Tourism services from USA to USA’s citizens?
Apple has a deal with a big factory in China. This factory builds most of the Apple’s digital devices. Is this factory a LEADER?
In a nutshell, to follow the success’ path you can use other enterprises social networking sites, use other intermediaries/infomediaries BUT be sure that you have a direct relationship with your customers and that most of the time they use your platform to create and buy your products.
Remember, YOUR Tourists can also create their own packages, share them with their friends inside your platform, building groups… generating a sense of community, better experiences and more profits for your company!!!
Second idea: Focus on specialized Tourism! If you are successful, the generic one will follow.
A) Generic Tourist relate to Religious Tourism can be anyone that during the trip decide to visit a monument or participate in any religious activity.
B) Specialized Tourism are the Tourist that the main motivation of the trip is to do or visit any religious activity.
C) Very specialized Tourism are Tourists that want to combine both the benefits that travel provides (international contacts/experiences, a boost of creativity, bonding experiences for professional or family groups…) with the benefits of participate in religious activities (relaxation, find yourself, create and build a sense of community…).
Can you image a couple near to divorce BUT that they don’t want to do that? Do you think that a trip and participate in religious activities can regenerate a relationship?
Can you imagine a start-up becoming a big enterprise and feeling that they are losing the sense of community that they had at the beginning? Do you think that a trip and participate in religious activities can build again this community feeling?
Can you imagine any person in a grieving process? Do you think that a trip and participate in religious activities can help him/her to overcome this process?
I could go on for a month, but I think I have made my point! I’m NOT important YOU ARE! Waiting for YOUR examples, waiting to see YOU becoming the best minds in the best sector ever!!!