I promise my Touristologists to bring/give to this blog a couple of study cases in order to practice Revenue Management Framework. The other day, I gave the first but I promised two. Do you want the second? Here you have it!
As I said in the first one…Feel free to reply the following questions as a comment to this post or send my an e-mail (you can use the one that appears in “About Me” ( skynetengineering@yahoo.com) I will love to reply to your proposals!
In this occasion we have a hotel that is very famous for its home-made desserts that every day it offers to their customers.
One month ago they finished a native application available for the most important operating systems (I know that you know them!). They invested a good amount of money in the design but they are not getting the big results that they were expecting.
A Touristologist was passing by and the revenue manager asks him/her for some advice in order to improve the situation.
I understand that you are following Web 2.0 business model …. you know, the matrix talking about the three C’s content, commerce, community and how to deliver them in a customized, syndicated and pro-amized way and Web 3.0 framework (providing Interaction from the beginning to the end of the trip) - The Touristologist replied.
Hmmm, I am
sure that the first time I saw this matrix there weren’t these green marks-
thought the Revenue Manager- I don’t know maybe it’s a clue.
Can you use
the web 2.0 business model and the Web 3.0? Can you use interaction of all the
departments as I recommended in this post?
Maybe this
video will help you to connect the dots… By the way, it’s also a good example
of versions of ME!
Please, give
your answer using the short vision of a Revenue Manager…
I love
Touristology’s games! What about you?