Marx was one of the greatest comedians on earth. You can enjoy his sense of
humor together with a little bit of Touristology here
or here BUT on this occasion I can’t agree
with you Mr. Marx when you said “Those are my
principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others.”
When I am talking about Touristology I still strongly believe…
1) It’s not
worth/possible to create, communicate and commercialize Specialized tourism
through chains of value of mass tourism and the other way around. Who will try
to sell a 20 year old whisky through a fast food company? OR a basic wine
through a high “cuisine” restaurant?
2) Tourist destinations and companies must begin their strategic orientation
with first specialized then generic tourism. Once specialized Tourism is
working you have an organization, a team of people experts in identification of
tourist’s needs and motivations, in customization of the supply, in everything
necessary to bring tourist from there to here. In a nutshell, they are experts
in 1,2,3, theory.
3) Tourism
destination and enterprises focus on International markets (Are you still only
playing with local markets? Hello! Wake up, the world is flat, remember?)
have to set up their own chain of value both for specialized and mass tourism.
They also must try to get as much control of this chain of value as possible.
4) If you
want to be serious about SnS (Social Networking Sites) for specialized tourism
you have to develop your own one.
5) If you
want to be serious about mobile apps you have to offer services which include
the 3 C’s (content, commerce and community) related to all chain of value in
order to provide support for the customer from the beginning to the end of the
trip (I’m working in a case on point about this topic!)
overall, I still strongly believe that Touristology will be a science in XXI
century AND Touristologists will be first class professionals with great
opportunities, salaries/profits and respect!