Hola Turistòl@gs!!!
Aquest és el titular de una noticia que apareix avui a La vanguardia
“El Turismo burla la crisis”
“La planta hotelera de la ciudad ha rebasado ya, por primera vez, los 13 millones de pernoctaciones”
Tens que rebuscar per trobar a un recó una informació SENSE IMPORTÀNCIA!!!!
“En la obtención de estos excelentes resultados –una buena noticia en un contexto económico en el que escasean las informaciones positivas–, ha tenido mucho que ver, qué duda cabe, la contención o rebaja de los precios hoteleros y la reducción de los márgenes de beneficio”
Com diuen els de la radio “Et felicito fill!!!!”
Dec 10, 2010
Nov 23, 2010
Today I want to give an homage (In this occasion a serious one!!!)
to all my students that have turned into TOURISTOLOGIST.
They make me feel that the effort of twenty years of profession hadn’t been worthless at all. More and more experts in tourism are earning a living in the tourism sector, getting respect from other professionals, proving that in order to work in tourism you have to provide attitude, specialized knowledge, contacts, and abilities. It is clear that they are the best in their field.
I think that in average I have two or three students able to make a difference in the sector, in every class. I have two or three students with a mind of their own. You can do the math: twenty years of profession multiplied by two students every year I get a wonderful class of 40 exceptional Touristologist!!!!
When I have lazy, demoralize, eternal moaners, only-creative-making-excuses, pretentious, Mr. Know-it-all students, when I am surrounded by people with a lack of vision, followers, believers that Touristology is not a science… The only thing that I have to do is to think in those forty mental warriors and… doubts, fears and uncertainty disappears. Strength, hope and entrepreneurial power run through my veins!!!
Every time that I get a new group I don’t know which will become part of these elite. So, I do my best, I treat all of them equally. You cannot put me down, because every time I walk in my class I only see the future of the tourism sector.
So, I’ll do my job, the rest IT’S UP TO YOU!!!!!
PS: This post is not translated to Catalan or Spanish because if you are one of them it won’t be necessary.
Sep 29, 2010
I’m fed up of bad analysis over the tourism sector!
1) This summer we got more Scandinavian tourists in Spain. This is good news. I agree!
2) This is good news because we get more tourists. COME ON! Tourism sector it’s different from other sectors. We don’t sent products / services abroad. We bring PEOPLE. SO….
Apart from the number we have to think about:
A) The price
B) The margin that we get. It’s different if we get the tourist from a foreign big tour operator than from a national incoming travel agency.
C) The money they spend when they are here
D) Did they come at the same time?
E) Did they come at the same place?
To get more tourists or to get high occupancy in your lodging industry (hotels, apartments, camping sites….) it’s definitely NOT ENOUGH.
2) This is good news because we get more tourists. COME ON! Tourism sector it’s different from other sectors. We don’t sent products / services abroad. We bring PEOPLE. SO….
Apart from the number we have to think about:
A) The price
B) The margin that we get. It’s different if we get the tourist from a foreign big tour operator than from a national incoming travel agency.
C) The money they spend when they are here
D) Did they come at the same time?
E) Did they come at the same place?
To get more tourists or to get high occupancy in your lodging industry (hotels, apartments, camping sites….) it’s definitely NOT ENOUGH.
Sep 27, 2010
1984 George Orwell is alive!
Leo Strauss a follower of Maquiavelo’s ideas
Only a law exists. The right of the superior to rule over the inferior
Motto: Leaders have to limit information and exploit low passions and poor culture to keep social order.
1) LIE: Truth is patrimony of the ones able to accept it
2) Religion for the people (not for you) with clear principles and intermediaries that will say to you what is right and what is wrong
3) Highlight patriotism. Us against the others
4) Full the mind of normal people with low passions AND in a way you can sell it
SEX: Free love No way. But you have access to prostitution!
Drugs: For knowledge and spirituality objectives No way. Just for leisure
Curiosity: For gossips BUT not for quantum mechanics
UFFF we are lucky to live in a world different from the one established/imagined for this son of a gun! OR not!!!!!
Only a law exists. The right of the superior to rule over the inferior
Motto: Leaders have to limit information and exploit low passions and poor culture to keep social order.
1) LIE: Truth is patrimony of the ones able to accept it
2) Religion for the people (not for you) with clear principles and intermediaries that will say to you what is right and what is wrong
3) Highlight patriotism. Us against the others
4) Full the mind of normal people with low passions AND in a way you can sell it
SEX: Free love No way. But you have access to prostitution!
Drugs: For knowledge and spirituality objectives No way. Just for leisure
Curiosity: For gossips BUT not for quantum mechanics
UFFF we are lucky to live in a world different from the one established/imagined for this son of a gun! OR not!!!!!
Sep 5, 2010
¡Menos mal que existen!
Avui vull fer un homenatge a la gent que treballa en el sector turístic i creu que aquest no és important, o que funciona sol o que ja esta tot inventat o que no és una prioritat, o que no necessita d’una ciència pròpia.
I no em refereixo a la gent que intenta trobar una feina i que la seva vocació no es el turisme, em refereixo a la gent amb responsabilitat dins del nostre sector. A la gent que puguent fer coses no les fan. Potser perquè no en saben, potser perquè no volen...
En qualsevol cas, els hi vull fer un homenatge a veure si d’aquesta manera se senten realitzats i es retiren!
D’aquí a uns anys veuran com el turisme creix, es reinventa, crea llocs de treball, riquesa i ells orgullosos podran dir... “Gracies a mi el sector turístic ha millorat” i serà veritat!!!!
We are Lucky to have them!
Today I want to pay an homage to the people working in the tourism sector and believe that this sector is not important, or it’s one that works alone or that everything has been invented or it’s not a priority, or it doesn’t need a science itself.
I'm not talking about people trying to find a job and that his vocation is not tourism, I mean the people with responsibility within our sector. The people who could do things but don’t do anything. Maybe because they don’t know, maybe they don’t want to ...
In any case, I want to give a tribute to them to see if in this way they feel made and decide to retire!
Within a few years tourism sector will grow, re-invents itself, creates jobs, wealth and they can proudly say ... "Thanks to me the tourism sector has improved” …and it will be true!!!
I no em refereixo a la gent que intenta trobar una feina i que la seva vocació no es el turisme, em refereixo a la gent amb responsabilitat dins del nostre sector. A la gent que puguent fer coses no les fan. Potser perquè no en saben, potser perquè no volen...
En qualsevol cas, els hi vull fer un homenatge a veure si d’aquesta manera se senten realitzats i es retiren!
D’aquí a uns anys veuran com el turisme creix, es reinventa, crea llocs de treball, riquesa i ells orgullosos podran dir... “Gracies a mi el sector turístic ha millorat” i serà veritat!!!!
We are Lucky to have them!
Today I want to pay an homage to the people working in the tourism sector and believe that this sector is not important, or it’s one that works alone or that everything has been invented or it’s not a priority, or it doesn’t need a science itself.
I'm not talking about people trying to find a job and that his vocation is not tourism, I mean the people with responsibility within our sector. The people who could do things but don’t do anything. Maybe because they don’t know, maybe they don’t want to ...
In any case, I want to give a tribute to them to see if in this way they feel made and decide to retire!
Within a few years tourism sector will grow, re-invents itself, creates jobs, wealth and they can proudly say ... "Thanks to me the tourism sector has improved” …and it will be true!!!
Sep 1, 2010
En record d’un company Turistòleg
Avui és un dia trist. Un company Turistòleg ens ha deixat per fer el viatge més important (aquell que més tard o més dora tots hem de fer).
Però no vull estar trist!!! .. i en la teva memòria començo aquest blog! Tu em vares donar l’oportunitat d’escriure el meu primer llibre i ara em dones la motivació per escriure el meu primer blog.
Sempre estaràs amb mi. Ets (continues sent!!!) part d’uns intel·lectuals que sempre hem defensat que la Turistologia és una ciència…. La lluita continua!
Bon viatge Ramón Arcarons!!!!!!
Però no vull estar trist!!! .. i en la teva memòria començo aquest blog! Tu em vares donar l’oportunitat d’escriure el meu primer llibre i ara em dones la motivació per escriure el meu primer blog.
Sempre estaràs amb mi. Ets (continues sent!!!) part d’uns intel·lectuals que sempre hem defensat que la Turistologia és una ciència…. La lluita continua!
Bon viatge Ramón Arcarons!!!!!!
Touristology is a science!!!
I am (Are we?) a Touristologist. I am also a traveler BUT IT IS NOT THE SAME.
I know what make people travel
I know how to transform your tourism resources in a product / service customized to a specific segment
I know how to communicate and commercialize through a chain of value
I know how to set up this chain of value
I know what make people travel
I know how to transform your tourism resources in a product / service customized to a specific segment
I know how to communicate and commercialize through a chain of value
I know how to set up this chain of value
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